Specifying SMP/E settings

Use the following procedure to specify information for your SMP/E environment:

  1. On the SMP/E Data Sets and Options panel, specify HLQs for an existing or a new SMP/E environment, and press Enter.


    To install your products and solutions in an existing zone, make sure that the SMP/E environment is created with the Installation System version 4.00.00 or later. In addition, you must perform all the required steps in the $105SMPE job to verify that the existing LINK data sets are PDSE and your environment is compatible with an existing SMP/E installation. 

    If you specify a new environment, the Installation System allocates the new data sets.

    The value in the Temporary Files HLQ field is obtained from the Site-Wide Defaults. You can override the default value by typing over it.

     BMIPIN20            USER1 - SMP/E Data Sets and Options
     Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> ____
     Enter the SMP/E data set HLQs and zone names. Press enter after typing a value
     in the Quick Fill field to set the other HLQs. Enter a '/' in the Quick Clear
     field to clear the HLQs.
     Quick Clear . . . _
     Quick Fill. . . . ______________________________
     CSI Data Set HLQs and Zone                        Enter '/' to select option
       Global. . . . . USER1.SMP                       _ Use existing Global
       Target. . . . . USER1.SMP                       _ Use existing Target & DLIB
       DLIB. . . . . . USER1.SMP                       / Use default BMC MLQs
       Target Zone . . BMC0TZN  DLIB Zone . . BMC0DZN  _ Use existing zone names
     Other Data Set HLQs
       SMPPTS. . . . . USER1.SMPPTS                  
       Aux Libs. . . . USER1.SMPAUX                  
       SMPTLIB . . . . USER1.SMPTLIB             
       Target Libs . . USER1.SMPGLIB                 
       DLIB Libs . . . USER1.SMPDLIB                 
     Data Set To Use for BMC Product Execution
       Change Values. . . . _  1. Non SMP/E (runtime) data sets to which the SMP/E
                                  Target data sets will be copied (recommended)
                               2. The SMP/E Target data sets themselves
    Data Set HLQs *
       Temporary Files HLQ. . . . . &SYSUID..&PROJNAME  (max resolved length is 17)


    The online Help includes examples of how to use the fields and options to create the following SMP/E environments supported by BMC:

    • (Default configuration) New global, target, and DLIB zones; new global, target, and DLIB CSI data sets

    • New global, target, and DLIB zones; new global CSI data set

    • Existing global zone; new target and DLIB zones; new target and DLIB CSI data sets

    • Existing global zone; new target and DLIB zones; existing global CSI data set; new target and DLIB CSI data sets

    • Existing global, target, and DLIB zones; existing global, target, and DLIB CSI data sets

    • Existing global, target, and DLIB zones; existing global CSI data set

    For information about target libraries, see Library names.

  2. On the SMP/E Data Set Allocation and UNIX File System Values panel, specify the needed information and press Enter.
    1. Specify allocation information for the SMP/E data sets.
      • You can specify SMS information or VOLSER information for the data sets. If you specify both, the SMS information is used.
      • If either of the following statements is true, you do not have to specify allocation information:
        • You are using existing data sets.
        • You are using SMS ACS routines (as indicated in the site-wide defaults).
      • You can use the Increase Allocation by fields to increase the default size that the Installation System uses to allocate the libraries. If you are using existing libraries, specifying a percentage increase has no effect.
    2. Specify UNIX file systems information if any products you are installing require UNIX file system information.

      • Only applicable fields are active.
      • The UNIX user ID that you specify must have write access to the root directory specified for the BMC file path. The user ID must be a USS UID 0 or
        have READ access to the RACF facility class of BPX.SUPERUSER. This job will fail if neither of these conditions are met.


        To find the UNIX user ID and group ID, use one of the following options:

        • In OMVS, enter the command Id userId. The UID and GID are displayed.
        • In ISHELL, go to TOOLS and run the shell ID command.
      • For the root path for the location of the BMC file system, several directory levels are appended to the path provided. For example, if the root path provided is /isv the following path is created: 


        In the example, xxx is the three-character product identifier, and vrr is the release number of the product. 

        You must specify an absolute path without any symbolic links in the path or the Installation System will not create the files properly.

       BMIPIN30          USER1 - SMP/E Data Set Allocation Values                   
       Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR  
       Enter the Allocation Values for the Project. SMS values will be used when      
       specified. Press enter after entering a value in the Quick Fill to set the     
       other Allocation Values. Enter a '/' in the Quick Clear fields to clear the    
       values in that column.                                                         
       Quick Clear . . . . . . . . . . _         _         _         _         _      
       Quick Fill  . . . . . . . . . . ________  ________  ________  ________  ______
       Data Set Type                   STORCLAS  MGMTCLAS  DATACLAS  UNIT      VOLSER 
         Temporary Work Files          ________  ________  ________  SYSALLDA  ______
         SMP/E Global CSI              ________  ________  ________  SYSALLDA  ______ 
         SMP/E Target CSI              ________  ________  ________  SYSALLDA  ______ 
         SMP/E Target Libraries        ________  ________  ________  SYSALLDA  ______ 
           Increase Allocation by 0   %                                               
         SMP/E Distribution CSI        ________  ________  ________  SYSALLDA  ______ 
         SMP/E Distribution Libraries  ________  ________  ________  SYSALLDA  ______ 
           Increase Allocation by 0   %                                               
         SMP/E Data Sets (Aux, TLIB)   ________  ________  ________  SYSALLDA  ______

Where to go from here

Continue to Specifying JCL values for generated installation jobs.

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