This documentation supports BMC Helix AIOps till November 2021. To view other versions of the documentation, select a version from the Product version menu.

Troubleshooting the TrueSight Operations Management integration

After you integrate TrueSight Operations Management with BMC Helix AIOps, event classes might not be created in the following scenarios:

  • There is a slot conflict
  • An event contains read-only or internal slots
  • An event class contains custom slots and enums are not generated

Class slot conflict error and read-only or internal slots

After the TrueSight Operations Management integration is configured, you get the following error message, and event classes are not created in BMC Helix AIOps:

Could not resolve conflicts for following slots: class:<class_name>slot:<slot_name>:slotnum:<slot_number>

Issue symptoms

This issue occurs because the slots are not created in BMC Helix AIOps because of one of the following issues:

  • There is a slot conflict
  • The event slots are read-only or internal

Issue scope

This issue affects only the TrueSight Operations Management integrations.


To resolve this issue, you must add the conflicted slots in the class_name_mapping.json file. Perform the following actions to add the slots:

  1. Open the /opt/bmc/connectors/<connector_name>/data/<integration_name>/config/class_name_mapping.json file.
  2. Add the slots as comma separated entries in the checkvalue list as shown in the following image with sample data:

    Avoid updating

    Do not update the integration at this stage, as that would overwrite the manual addition of slots.

    If you want to update the integration, do the following steps:

    1) Create a back up of the /opt/bmc/connectors/<connector_name>/data/<integration_name>/config/config/class_name_mapping.json  file, For more information on back up, see Upgrading third-party integrations.

    2) Update the integration. For more information on back up, see Upgrading third-party integrations.

    3) Replace the config/class_name_mapping.json file from your backup folder.  

  3. Reload the Connector. Do the following steps:
    1. Obtain the container ID. To do this, on the docker container, run the following command:
      docker ps
      You can see the container ID as highlighted in the following image with sample data:

    2. Run the following command to reload the container:
      docker exec -it <container_id> bash

Event slot conflict error and read-only or internal slots

After the TrueSight Operations Management integration is configured, you get the following error message, and event classes are not created in BMC Helix AIOps:

Could not resolve conflicts for following slots: \nslot_1\nslot_2  

Issue symptoms

This issue occurs because the slots are not created in BMC Helix AIOps because of one of the following issues:

  • There is a slot conflict
  • The event slots are read-only or internal

Issue scope

This issue affects only the TrueSight Operations Management integrations.


To resolve this issue, you must add the conflicted event slots in the event_slot_mapping.json file. Perform the following actions to add the slots:

  1. Open the /opt/bmc/connectors/<connector_name>/data/<integration_name>/config/event_slot_mapping.json file.
  2. Under the delete_data type of attributes, add the conflicted enum slots that you can see in the error message. Add the slots in the checkvalue list as shown in the following image with sample data:
  3. Update the integration. To do this, perform the following steps:
    1. Go to the BMC Helix Intelligent Integrations > Configured Integrations page.
    2. Click the menu for the TrueSight Operations Management integration, and click Edit.
    3. On the Edit Integration page, click Save.
      The integration is updated even if you click Save without making any changes.
  4. Reload the Connector. To do this, perform the following steps:
    1. Obtain the container ID. To do this, on the docker container, run the following command:
      docker ps
      You can see the container ID as highlighted in the following image with sample data:

    2. Run the following command to reload the container:
      docker exec -it <container_id> bash

Enum error

After the TrueSight Operations Management integration is configured, you get the following error message, and event classes are not created in BMC Helix AIOps:

Validation failed, enum doesn't exist

Issue symptoms

This issue occurs because the following event classes are not created in BMC Helix AIOps:










Issue scope

This issue affects only the TrueSight Operations Management integrations.


To resolve this issue, in the event_slot_mapping.json file, you must add event slots belonging to the event classes listed above. Perform the following actions to add the slots:

  1. Open the /opt/bmc/connectors/<connector_name>/data/<integration_name>/config/event_slot_mapping.json file.
  2. Under the delete_data type of attributes, add the enum slots in the comma-separated checkvalue list as shown in the following image with sample data:
  3. Update the integration. To do this, perform the following steps:
    1. Go to the BMC Helix Intelligent Integrations > Configured Integrations page.
    2. Click the menu for the TrueSight Operations Management integration, and click Edit.
    3. On the Edit Integration page, click Save.
      The integration is updated even if you click Save without making any changes.
  4. Reload the Connector. To do this, perform the following steps:
    1. Obtain the container ID. To do this, on the docker container, run the following command:
      docker ps
    2. Log in to the container by running the following command:
      docker exec -it <container_id> bash
    3. Run the following command to reload the container:

      docker exec -it <container_id> bash

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