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Adding support staff

You can create people records with standard settings for support staff from the Standard Configuration tab of the Application Administration Console. 

If you are using templates or want to perform custom configuration, however, complete the People form from the Custom Configuration tab.

Updating support staff permissions

This topic also describes how to update support staff permissions.

To add support staff

  1. On the Standard Configuration tab of the Application Administration Console, select the correct company.
  2. Click the Create link next to People. The People form appears.
  3. Complete the fields as described in Adding non-support staff with the following exception: for Support Staff, select Yes. When you set Support Staff to Yes, the Support Groups tab appears. For support staff, you must complete the Login/Access Details tab and the Support Groups tab. 

    People form completed for support staff

  4. Give the person the appropriate BMC Remedy ITSM application permissions.
    1. In the Application Permissions area on the Login/Access Details tab, click Update Permissions Groups. The Permission Group dialog box is displayed.
    2. In the Permission Group field, select a permission group to add.
    3. If required, select a license type of Fixed or Floating.
    4. Click Add/Modify.
    5. Repeat b through d to add additional permission groups, if required.
    6. You can delete permission groups by selecting them from the list and clicking Delete.
    7. When you finish adding permission groups, click Close.
  5. If you are restricting the access of support staff to certain companies, continue with the steps that follow. Otherwise, select Yes in the Unrestricted Accessfield.


    To give an individual access to information in BMC Remedy ITSM, you must give the individual access to specified companies or select Yes for the Unrestricted Access field. If you specify both companies and unrestricted access, unrestricted access overrides the specific companies specified.

    To restrict access to specific companies:

    1. In the Access Restrictions area, click Update Access Restrictions. The Access Restrictions dialog box appears.
    2. In the Access Restrictionfield, select a company to which you want the person to have access.


      Depending on the database you are using, if you add more than 100 companies to a person's group list, you might experience unexpected results. This is caused by the list size exceeding the GroupList field length. The GroupList field is limited by the maximum varchar size for your database. This size varies for database servers and vendors and between versions of the same database. Experience shows that for databases with a maximum varchar size of 4 KB you can add approximately 100 entries (Companies, Support Groups, and Permissions, or all three) to a user's group list.

    3. Click Add/Modify.
    4. If you want the person to have access to multiple companies, repeat b through c.
    5. Click Close.
  6. Relate the person to at least one support group:
    1. Click the Support Groups tab. By default, the Support Groups sub-tab is also selected.
    2. Click Update Support Groups and Roles. The Update Support Group Memberships and Roles form appears. 

      Update Support Group Memberships and Roles dialog box

    3. In the Add Support Group Relationship area, select the Company, Support Organization, Support Group, and Relationship Role. 
      The relationship roles are informational only:


      The person belongs to the support group.

      Associate Member

      The person has access to modify requests assigned to that support group.

    4. Click Add.


      To change the relationship role, select the relationship from the Current Support Group Relationship(s) list and click Make Associate Member or Make Member.

    5. If the person belongs to multiple support groups, select the primary support group record from the Current Support Group Relationship(s) list and then click Set to Default.
    6. To make the person unavailable for assigning to requests or incidents, select each related support group from the Current Support Group Relationship(s) and click Mark Unavailable.
  7. To add support group functional roles, click the Functional Role Update tab. You can use this tab to assign functional roles to people within support groups. Functional roles extend access granted by permissions groups, but only for specific support groups that are used within BMC Remedy ITSM. For example, someone might be a member of two support groups but is a support group manager for only one.  However, the individual could also be a support group manager for all of the support groups to which the individual is assigned. For example, one individual could be assigned all of the following functional roles: Infrastructure Change Manager for the Change Management support group, Incident Manager for the Incident Management support group, and Problem Coordinator for the Problem Management support group.
  8. To assign the person to a functional role in a support group:
    1. Select the Company, Support Organization, and Support Group Name.


      Items in these lists appear only if support groups were related to the person on the Support Group Update tab.

    2. Select a Functional Role for update.
    3. Click Add. The functional role appears in the table at the bottom of the dialog box.
    4. Repeat steps a through c until you have added all of the functional roles.
  9. Click Close.
  10. In the People form, click Add.
  11. Confirm this person's password.
  12. To add more support staff records, repeat steps 3 to 10.
  13. When you are finished adding support group memberships and roles, click Close.

Updating permissions for support staff 

Use the following procedure to add permissions permissions or to change them.

  1. On the Standard Configuration tab of the Application Administration Console, select the correct company.
  2. Click the View link next to People.
    The People form appears.
  3. Give the person the appropriate application permissions, as listed below.
    1. In the Application Permissions area on the Login/Access Details tab, click Update Permissions Groups.
      The Permission Group dialog box is displayed.
    2. In the Permission Group field, select a permission group to add.
    3. If required, select a license type of Fixed or Floating.
    4. Click Add/Modify.
    5. Repeat b through d to add additional permission groups, if required.
    6. When you finish adding permission groups, click Close.
  4. Click Save and then click Close.

Related topic

Adding a support staff person

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.


  1. Lisa Singh

    Seeing as the User tool is now deprecated, it would be helpful to upgrade the images in this document to Mid Tier.

    Nov 11, 2013 07:10
    1. Bruce Cane

      Hi Lisa, thanks for leaving a comment. I believe that these screen shots were acquired from a browser, using the mid-tier, It might be that when the images were cropped, the URL bar at the top was omitted.

      What do you see that suggests these were acquired from the User Tool? If I've missed a detail, please let me know.

      Nov 12, 2013 10:08
  2. Robin Ashford

    "The GroupList field is limited by the maximum varchar size for your database"

    This does not appear to be an accurate statement; ARERR 397 is shown if you attempt to increase the Group list beyond 4,000 characters and yet this is below the varchar(max) length for MS SQL (2 147 483 647).

    Oct 05, 2015 08:30
  3. Jon Roberts

    I have a template for provisioning user's accounts with permissions as support staff, but I can't remember how to use the template.  I am not creating the users.  The users exist already and are created automatically by our system, but I want to provision existing users using my template.  I have done it before, but I can't remember the process.  Please help!

    Jan 15, 2016 01:25
  4. Oludare Ogunmadewa

    Hi Jon,  -Hope not too late (smile)

    How are they created by your system (via LoadPeople)?

    If coming via LoadPeople, include the the template name in the "Template Name" field of LoadPeople before promotion.

    For new Users, Logon with Admin account, From IT Home:
    Select: Applications–>Administrative Console–>Application Administration Console–>Standard Configuration–>Click Create on Step 4–>Click Select Template

    Enter the following required values:
         FirstName, LastName, and LoginID
    Select applicable Template
    Then Click Select

    Mar 30, 2016 07:22