This documentation applies to the 8.1 version of Service Request Management, which is in "End of Version Support." You will not be able to leave comments.

To view the latest version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Viewing details of requests in fulfillment applications

If an incident, change request, or work order is attached to a request, you can view details, such as its Request ID, its work history, requester, submit date, status, and so on. You can also enter work information about the request.

To view request details

Choose Functions > View REQ<number> in the Incident Management Console, the Change Management Console, or the Work Order form.

In 8.1.01 and later versions, service request details open within the Landing Console. In previous versions, clicking View REQ<number> opened the Request Details dialog box.


If you update customer information in the incident, change request, or work order, this information is not updated in the service request. The original customer information provided by the requester is preserved.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
