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Localizing SRDs

When you create an SRD, you can localize it to display text, such as questions and labels, in other languages. Questions from the original SRD are displayed on the Actions tab of the localized SRD. You can add and edit questions, edit instructions, edit displayed values and labels in the localized SRD.

Best Practices

  • Localize the navigational categories before you localize the SRD. If you do not, you will be prompted to create them when you attempt to save the SRD.
  • Create and sort questions, and add actions and mappings in the default (blank) locale before you localize an SRD. Doing so ensures that the questions, actions, and mappings are automatically applied to the localized SRD.

    For example, if your default locale is English, create all of the questions in the default (English) locale of the SRD, and choose the order in which the questions will appear. Map the questions to variables and SR fields and thoroughly test the SRD in the system. After you are satisfied that the SRD is working as expected, localize the SRD.
  • The questions, response options, and mappings in each SRD locale must match the questions, response options, and mappings in the default locale. The questions and responses must also be in the same order and have the same intent in all locales. For example, the French locale of an SRD includes the same questions in the same order as the default locale, except that the questions and responses are in French. You cannot create a French locale of an SRD that has a different set of questions for French users.
  • If you need to make changes, only do so in the default locale for the SRD. New questions, actions, and mappings are automatically copied from the default locale to each associated locale for that SRD.

To localize an SRD

  1. Create the SRD.
    See Creating a standard SRD with the Service Request Definition form.
  2. Add all of the questions, actions, and mappings to the SRD in the default locale. Thoroughly test the SRD in the default locale to make sure it is working as expected.
    See Adding questions to an SRD and Using actions to auto-fill responses in a service request.
  3. Create a new locale (or locales) for the SRD:
    1. Click Other Locales.
    2. In the Defined Locales dialog box, specify a new locale, for example, fr-French.
    3. Enter a user-friendly Title for this SRD, based on the new locale.
    4. Provide a Description based on the new locale.
    5. Click Add to save the locale.
      The questions, actions, and mappings from the default locale are copied to the new locale.
    6. (Optional) Add more locales as needed.
    7. Close the Defined Locales dialog box.
    8. Save the SRD.
  4. Localize the questions for each locale:
    1. Refresh the records in the Service Catalog Manager Console, for example, by running a search.
      The newly localized SRDs appear as separate records.
    2. View the localized SRD.
    3. In the Questions and Mappings dialog box, select each question, localize the question text, responses, and instructions, and apply your changes.
    4. Close the Questions and Mappings dialog box.
    5. Save the SRD.

Users can view the localized SRD in the Request Entry console when they log into the server.

Related topics

Localizing navigational categories

Localizing SRD levels

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