This documentation applies to the 8.1 version of Remedy IT Service Management Suite, which is in "End of Version Support." You will not be able to leave comments.

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Resolving errors with default currency settings

The default currency utility is run as part of the application installation and generates the arcurrencydefault.log and arcurrencydefault_error.log files.

The arcurrencydefault_error.log file lists the forms that encountered errors while setting the default currency.

  • The utility generates log files in the InstallationDirectory\Logs\Currency_Logs directory.
  • For example, a Microsoft Windows path might be
    C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BMCRemedyITSMSuite\Logs\Currency_Logs.
  • For example, a UNIX path might be /opt/bmc/bmcremedyitsmsuite/Logs/Currency_Logs.

Use BMC Remedy Developer Studio to set the currency on the forms listed in the arcurrencydefault_error.log. For example, you might see the following error in the arcurrencydefault_error.log:

Error: Error locking to Admin RPC Queue:
ERROR (90): Cannot establish a network connection to the AR System server; Connection refused: connect myserver1

To resolve this error

  1. Verify that the BMC Remedy AR System server is running.
  2. Review the arerror.log for possible issues with the BMC Remedy AR System server.
  3. Manually set the default currency field.

If a problem occurs

If you encounter ERROR 90 during execution of default currency, the installer stops running. You must:

  • Restore the BMC Remedy AR System server to the state before running the installer.
  • Resolve the cause of ERROR 90.
  • Run the installer again.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.


  1. Wallace Roets

    Would it be possible to add a section on how to set the Default Values yourself? If that section already exist, can you perhaps link it to this section? (If memory serves, I am referring to the JARCurrencyDefault.jar tool)

    Mar 09, 2013 02:16
    1. Bruce Cane

      We'll investigate this. Thanks.

      Mar 12, 2013 10:20
    1. Bruce Cane

      Hello Wallace, we have added a Step 3, which now points to a new topic on running the JARCurrencyDefault.jar too. Thanks for suggesting this. Was there a specific reason that you need to run this utility?

      Apr 10, 2013 02:38