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Modifying the data wizard to work with new fields on BMC Remedy ITSM forms

To modify the data wizard to work with new fields on BMC Remedy ITSM forms, you must modify filters on the DLD:SYS:DataWizAction form. Perform the following procedure for each new field on BMC Remedy ITSM forms.


Throughout this documentation, newFieldIDCustom refers to the customized new field and not the new value field from the console.

This section also provides information about:

To modify the data wizard to work with new fields on BMC Remedy ITSM forms

  1. Open BMC Remedy Developer Studio.
  2. Search for the filter on the DLD:SYS:DataWizAction form that contains the count action for the form that contains the new field.
    Use the following information to find the appropriate filter:
    • Count filters created by BMC are in the execution order 200-399 range.
    • Count Filters created by BMC follow a naming convention. They start with either DLD:DAT:dataAdministrationType_Count or INT:Application:DAT:dataAdministrationType_Count. For example, the count filter for the Company Name field on the HPD:HelpDesk form is named INT:FNDHPD:DAT:CompanyLargeForms_Count_Q.
    • Forms that are included in a filter are sometimes listed in the Help Text tab of the filter.
  3. In the Set Field action that performs the count action, modify the SQL statement to include the new field.
    The following SQL statement is an example for counting the Company field:
    SELECT COUNT(C1)  FROM $z1D_schemaID$ WHERE C1000000001 = '$Company$' OR <C_newFieldIDCustom> = '$Company$'

    For additional examples of SQL statements, see Examples of SQL statements for data administration types.
  4. Search for the filter on the DLD:SYS:DataWizAction form that contains the update action for the form that contains the new field.
    • Update filters created by BMC are in the execution order 500-699 range.
    • Update Filters created by BMC follow a naming convention. They start with either DLD:DAT:dataAdministrationType_Update or INT:Application:DAT:dataAdministrationType_Update. For example, the update filter for the Company Name field on the HPD:HelpDesk form is named INT:FNDHPD:DAT:CompanyLargeForms_Update_Q`!.
    • Forms that are included in a filter are sometimes listed in the Help Text tab of the filter.
  5. In the Set Field action that performs the update action, modify the SQL statement to include the new field.
    The following SQL statement is a simple example for updating the Company field:
    UPDATE $z1D_schemaID$ SET C1000000001 = '$Company_NewVal$',
    <C_newFieldIDCustom> = '$Company_NewVal$'  WHERE C1000000001 = '$Company$' OR <C_newFieldIDCustom> = '$Company$'

    The following SQL statement is an example for updating the Company field with a CASE statement. When two or more fields are updated on a form, CASE statements are used to improve performance.
    UPDATE $z1D_schemaID$ SET
    C1000000001 = case C1000000001 when '$Company$' then '$Company_NewVal$' else C1000000001 end,
    C1000003965 = case C1000003965 when '$Company$' then '$Company_NewVal$' else C1000003965 end,
    <C_newFieldIDCustom> = case <C_newFieldIDCustom> when '$Company$' then '$Company_NewVal$' else <C_newFieldIDCustom> end,
    WHERE (C1000000001 = '$Company$' OR C1000003965 = '$Company$' OR
    <C_newFieldIDCustom> = '$Company$')

    Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt}

  6. A Set Field action after the update action performs a count. Modify the SQL statement in this action to include the new field.
    The following SQL statement is an example for counting the Company field after the update action:
    SELECT COUNT(C1) FROM $z1D_schemaID$ WHERE C1000000001 = '$Company_NewVal$' OR <C_newFieldIDCustom> = '$Company_NewVal$'

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