This version of the software is currently available only to customers in the Controlled Availability (CA) program.

Identifying data mapping issues

Data mapping issues may occur if customizations have not been migrated to your target system. BMC Helix Data Manager automatically identifies any potential data mapping issues and allows you to check your application data.

For your specific upgrade, you may need to configure data enrichments. For more information, see Setting up migration packs, mappings, and templates.


  • If you are migrating data from Remedy on-premises to BMC Helix Innovation Suite Cloud, before you proceed to identify data mapping issues, make sure that you have discovered and copied the source and target data dictionary correctly. See Discovering data dictionaries.
  • For end-to-end process of Remedy on-premises to BMC Helix Innovation Suite Cloud migration, see Migration process for Remedy on-premises to BMC Helix Innovation Suite Cloud Open link .

To check for data mapping issues

  1. From the navigation bar, select Data Migration > Data Mapping.
  2. Select a migration pack, and click Select.
    A list of all form or table mappings is displayed.
  3. To filter the list, select Any Issue from the filter on the Status column.
    A list displays the mappings where any field mapping has an issue that BMC Helix Data Manager cannot automatically resolve.
  4. Click the Field Mappings tab, and filter the field mappings by selecting Any Issue from the filter on the Status column.
    The list displays all field mappings that have issues for the selected form mapping.

    Following are issues you might see:



    Target Field Not Mapped

    The target field does not have a corresponding field in the source system. You may want to generate a value to populate this field with or simply ignore it if it is not required.

    Source Field Not Mapped

    The source field does not have a corresponding field in the source system.

    This can occur if application customizations have not been moved to the target system. You can ignore this issue if the data is no longer required, or you might need to move these customizations over. If you move customizations or change the target or source data model, you should rediscover the data dictionary and then and copy the migration pack to pick up the new fields and automatically map them.

    Target Field Too Small

    The character field's maximum length in the target system is smaller than the maximum length in the source system. This prevents data from being migrated if the data length exceeds the maximum. You can ignore this issue (if you are sure the maximum target field length will not be exceeded), or you can truncate the data by using a transform or by increasing the size of the target field.

    Target Field Required

    The target field is defined as Required, but the source field is defined as Optional. Therefore, the source system may have NULL values. NULL values do not impact BMC Helix Data Manager data migration (as this is enforced by the API only), but it may impact application behavior after the migration. You can use a conditional mapping to populate a default value if the source value is NULL. You can use BMC Helix Data Manager to check whether a field has NULL value.

    Enum Warning

    BMC Helix Data Manager has successfully mapped all the source and target enums for this field by using the enum ID, but there is a mismatch in the Enum Text in one or more of the values. For example, 15 - "Review" has been matched to 15 - "In Progress." Review the mapping, and ignore the warning if the mapping is valid, or remap the enum values appropriately.

    Source Enums Unmapped

    BMC Helix Data Manager has found Source Enum values that have no corresponding target enum value to which it can be mapped. If this is not resolved prior to migration, these values are set to NULL at migration.

    You can map these source enum values to existing target enum values or, if this is a customization, create the missing enum values in the target.

    To check whether these source-only enum values are in use, check the enum distribution for this field.

    Target Enums Unmapped

    BMC Helix Data Manager has found target enum values that have no corresponding source enum value. This type of issue do not typically impact the migration behavior and can be ignored.

  5. To ignore an error for a field mapping, select the field mapping, select the Ignore Issues check box, and click Save.
    The field mapping is removed from the filtered issues list.
    Alternatively, to ignore all unmapped fields or field mapping issues for a form mapping, select the form mapping and select the appropriate option from the Action menu.
    Ignoring an error simply removes it from the list of mappings with issues.

Where to go from here

Creating approval definition and process mappings for data enrichment

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