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BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring plug-in

The BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring plug-in retrieves performance metrics about end user experience. The data is accessed by known REST API Web Service calls offered by BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring which deliver CSV files that are parsed to obtain the Landscape and KPI values. Only numeric type KPIs are used from BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring; therefore, there will not be a status type KPI tree.

Web Service API used for Discovery and Data Collection

  • Discovery – Request all WatchPoint data via the url: * https://<EUEM_SERVER>/<data>*
  • Data Collection – the same url is used for data collection with the added parameter to specify the ids of the WatchPoints being used: * https://<EUEM_SERVER>/<data>*


Discovery builds the BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring landscape into a hierarchical structure with Watchpoints at the top level. Where names are similar and each KPI differs only by the specific metric, the KPIs are grouped into a sub-application. For example, all KPIs with name like x-e2e-time-* will be grouped under the sub-application x-e2e-time with the KPI name as the leaf. Any KPIs that are not related to a group appear as single KPIs under the Watchpoints.

For more information, see the following topics:

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