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Installing the SSL Server certificate for BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring

Because BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring requires a secure (HTTPS) connection, you must import the BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring self-signed certificate into the JVM keystore for the JVM that the SLM Collection Point is using.

To install the SSL Server certificate for BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring using Internet Explorer

  1. To save the certificate form, log into your BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring device through the Web interface.
  2. Right-click and navigate to Properties > Certificates > Details > Copy to file.
  3. Select the default DER encoded binary, X.509, and select a DESTINATION (to use later).
  4. Using the keytool command, import the certificate into your JVM keystore as follows:
keytool -import -alias BMC End User Experience Management -file DESTINATION/certificate.cer -keystore JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit

To install the SSL Server certificate for BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring using Firefox 3

  1. Log into your BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring device through the Web interface.
  2. Right-click and navigate to ViewPage Info, and click the Security tab.
  3. Click View Certificate.
  4. Click the Details tab.
  5. Click Export, and type a file name.
  6. In the drop-down list, select X.509 Certificate (DER).
  7. Using the keytool command, import the certificate into your JVM keystore as follows:
keytool -import -alias BMC End User Experience Management -file DESTINATION/certificate.cer -keystore JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
