Phased rollout


This version is currently available to SaaS customers only. It will be available to on-premises customers soon.

Troubleshooting BMC Helix Virtual Agent issues

This topic describes how to resolve issues that you might encounter while using BMC Helix Virtual Agent.

To resolve BMC Helix Virtual Agent start chat issue

When you attempt to start a conversation in BMC Helix Virtual Agent, the following errors are displayed:

Error messageDescription

Error (12123): The operation failed in the machine learning provider. <status 400, error URL workspaceid parameter '12' is not valid GUID>


These errors occur when the IBM Watson Assistant Skill is not configured correctly.


Perform the following steps to provide the correct IBM Watson Assistant Skill ID:

  1. Log in to BMC Helix Innovation Studio.
  2. From the Workspace tab, select the application for which you created a chatbot.
  3. From the Chatbots tab, select the chatbot.
  4. In the Chatbot Skills tab, in the Workspace ID field, enter the correct ID of the IBM Watson Assistant.
    Example: fafdb55f-ceaf-4577-b5a7-05d61e494b41
  5. Save the settings.
Internal Server Error

An unexpected script error has occurred. Cannot read property 'chatContext' of null

To resolve issues with creating service requests in BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced


After users request for their asset information in a chat, they are unable to view the service actions they can perform on the assets.

Service actions are not imported toBMC Helix Virtual Agent.

  1. Check if you can view the service actions in

    BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced


  2. If yes, check if you have imported the service actions to

    BMC Helix Virtual Agent


After users request for their asset information in a chat, they are unable to view the asset groups that belong to them.

Mapping between services and asset groups does not exist.

Ensure that you have mapped services with asset groups in BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced.

After responding to questions asked by BMC Helix Virtual Agent, the service request is not created in the BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced client application. Additionally, the following message is displayed:

  • Error with BMC Helix Single Sign-On OAuth authentication.
  • Mapping of catalog services.
  1. Ensure that you have added the Remedy SSO OAuth authentication correctly. 
  2. Ensure that you have mapped catalog services with BMC Helix Virtual Agent correctly.

The BMC Helix Virtual Agent user, who was requesting a specific service at the end of a conversation, experienced the Chatbot responding with 'There is something went wrong. Please reach out to Administrator.'

BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced is not working correctly

Attempt to submit the same request directly from the Digital Workplace UI. If this does not work, then the problem is not with BMC Helix Virtual Agent.

BMC Helix Virtual Agent cannot connect to BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced

  1. After making sure that logging was enabled, search the log for errors relating to service request creation failure. A suggested filter on the log: by FILENAME of com.bmc.dsm.chatbot
  2. Look for HTTP / communication errors in the log entries
  3. The problem could be physical networking, or RSSO configuration

BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced Chat Action / service mapping problems

  1. After making sure that logging was enabled, search the log for errors relating to service request creation failure. A suggested filter on the log: by FILENAME of com.bmc.dsm.chatbot
  2. Look for specific numbered errors, or other errors related to the same operation (in this case there may not be any).
  3. Refer to the Log File Errors section below.
  4. If you see errors related to "failure to submit questionnaire" (error code 14), or other failures to submit to Digital Workplace, see Troubleshooting Service Request Chat Actions.

BMC Helix Virtual Agent responds with the unexpected responses or uses incorrect dialog flow during a conversation.

IBM Watson Assistant is not sufficiently trained for the correct dialog flow and the chatbot hits unexpected intents.

In IBM Watson Assistant, train the utterance using the Try out method to test and train for correct intent of utterances. Learn how to use the Try out method at Testing your intents Open link in the IBM documentation.

To resolve issues with localized skills

Error MessageCauseWorkaround

ERROR (12123): The operation failed in the machine learning provider. <status 400, error Data Exception: Invalid system entity references [sys-location,sys-person]

This error occurs for non-English skills after IBM Cloud has deprecated @sys-location and @sys-person entities.
  1. In IBM Watson, go to the non-English Skills. 
  2. Click the Options icon and select Download as JSON
  3. Open the JSON file in a text editor. 
  4. Remove the sys-person and sys-location parameters from the JSON file.
  5. Import the Skills in IBM Watson Assistant.

  6. Save the skill.

To resolve unauthorized access issues

Error MessageCauseWorkaround
  • ERROR (12123): The operation failed in the machine learning provoder. <status 401, error Unauthorized: Acess is denied due to invalid credentials. Tip: Did you set up the endpoint?>
  • An error occurred sending the message.
  • An unexpected script error has occurred.Cannot read property 'outputText' of null

The IBM Watson Assistant service credential is incorrect. This generally will only happen if someone resets the credentials for a service in IBM Watson.

Validate the IBM Watson Assistant service credentials.

The IBM Cloud service is not accessible.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Check whether IBM Watson itself is not experiencing an outage.
  2. Request BMC SaaS Operations to check the network connectivity between BMC Helix Virtual Agent and IBM Cloud.

To resolve issues with machine learning provider access

Error MessageCauseWorkaround

ERROR (12123): The operation failed in the machine learning provider.

along with either of the following message:

  • <status 500, error Forwarding error>
  • <status 400, error URL workspaceid parameter '4bbc87fd-ca2f-4f48-bc8f-d1a468c976dz' is not a valid GUID.>

The IBM Watson Assistant Skill ID is missing.

Validate the IBM Watson Assistant Skill ID.

The IBM Watson Assistant Skill ID is incorrect.  This can happen when BMC Helix Virtual Agent was deployed when the IBM Watson Assistantservice credential was missing or incorrect.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Validate the IBM Watson Conversation Skill ID.
  2. If necessary, request that the conversation JSON file be manually imported using the IBM cloud tool, and the IBM Watson Assistant SkillID is captured and set correctly by using BMC Helix Innovation Studio.

The IBM Watson Assistant Skill ID is badly formed.

Validate the IBM Watson Conversation Skill ID.

The IBM Cloud service is not accessible.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Check whether IBM Watson itself is not experiencing an outage.
  2. Ask BMC SaaS Operations to check the network connectivity between BMC Helix Virtual Agent and IBM Cloud.

To resolve issues with invalid knowledge articles


When user requests to know the terms and conditions in a chatbot conversation, the following error message is displayed:

Your request returned error: Something went wrong on server side, please contact the administrator.

Problem with Remedy Knowledge Management

Perform the following steps:

  1. Verify that there is an error such as 'Error while searching knowledge articles from myIT for search key: tell me about terms and conditions ' in the Chatbot log.
  2. Check for other errors reported for the same Operation ID.

To resolve issues with search results


On searching for information from a chatbot conversation, BMC Helix Virtual Agent returned unrelated information or no result.

Issue with BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced.

Try to perform the same search in the BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advancedenvironment directly. If it is a problem in BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced, continue troubleshooting with the BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced troubleshooting guide.

Permission error.

Check that the user configured for BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced access does not have enough permissions.

IBM Watson Assistant corrupts dailog slot context value when the user updates the skills manually.

Perform the following steps:

  1. To verify that the search value is corrupted:
    1. Login to IBM Watson AssistantSkill .

    2. Navigate to the Dialog tab > select Search dialog node.

    3. Select Conditional Customize slot whose condition is ' $userQuestion == null || $userQuestion == "" '.

    4. To open the JSON editor, select on upper right corner and click Open JSON editor.

    5. Ensure that the value is as follows:

      	"context": {
      		"userQuestion": "<? input.text ?>"

      If value is not as mentioned above then mostly the slot context is corrupted.

  2. Reset the Slot context value as follows:

      	"context": {
      		"userQuestion": "<?input.text?>"


  • Once you set the value manually, the value does not corrupt again.
  • Any changes that you make to the Slot Context Value in the JSON editor is not reflected in the Check for field after you exit the JSON editor. If you click the Check for field to give the field focus after you use the JSON editor, then the changes you made are lost.

For more information, see Gathering information with slots Open link in IBM documentation.

The user makes a valid utterance such as "how can I change my contact information details?" and either gets no response at all, or repeatedly gets "Sorry, I do not understand your response. Can you please try rephrasing it?"Error in conversation dialog

Perform the following steps:

 Ask the BMC Cloud Administrators to review the conversation dialog defined in the IBM Watson Assistant service.

If the error occurs in an out-of-the-box conversation, report the issue.

Log file errors

Message and/or Log entry

Something went wrong on server side, please contact the administrator.This means that while creating a specific case, some error occurred. The stack trace will show the context.
Unable to get SBE request

While attempting to submit a new request to BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced, the service id did not refer to a valid type of request.This could be a service catalog configuration mapping issue.

Service request creation failedWhile attempting to submit a new request, the user will see message: “Something went wrong. Please try again later”. The log will contain more information about the underlying exception.
Check entitlement failed

While fetching information about a service request, there were errors returned by BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced.

Error while querying service requests

Failed to fetch list of service requests from BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced. This could be authorization problem.

Request submitting failedCould not submit a new request for service. Follow steps in Troubleshooting Service Request Chat Actions.

Service is not registered with BMC Digital Assistant application

Error while trying to service request details

Get request status failed

Get service request details failed

Error while getting service request details for request id

A service request error.
Something went wrong on server side

Errors retrieving request status, or details, from BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced. Check log context for additional information.

Questionnaire submitting failedCould be a mismatch of expected answers for a particular request. Follow steps in Troubleshooting Service Request Chat Actions.
Post Order failed for orderID

Submitting the order in BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced failed. Follow steps in Troubleshooting Service Request Chat Actions.

Get SB request failed for orderID

Fetching the specified order from BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced failed.

Answer not provided for required questionFor a service request, answer is not provided for the question. Check if the question is marked as mandatory.
Get service requests failed

Could not obtain a list of available service requests from BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced. Check log context for additional information.

Error while searching knowledge articles from myIT for search key - <followed by the search term>

May be presented as HTTP Error 500. Could be a configuration problem with BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced for the Knowledge Management configuration.

Error while getting knowledge article detailA knowledge article id may be invalid, or there may be a connectivity issue.
Invaid provider source nameCheck knowledge provider source.
Error while updating knowledge article feedback

Could be a configuration problem with BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced for the Remedy Knowledge Management configuration.

Error while updating knowledge article view count

Could be a configuration problem with BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced for the Remedy Knowledge Management configuration.

Cannot discover the Skype for Business on-premises instance. BMC Helix Platform server is not able to verify SSL Certificate.

This message appears if you try to register a self-signed site. By default, only ca-certified sites are allowed for registration with BMC Helix Digital Workplace Advanced, BMC Helix Digital Workplace Catalog, and Skype for Business. To register a self-signed site, update the tenant configuration Trust-Insecure-Connection with the value T and re-register.

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