This documentation supports an earlier version of BMC Helix Operations Management.

To view the documentation for the latest version, select 23.2 from the Product version picker.

Managing data tables in dynamic enrichment policies with REST APIs

The following section provides a list of supported endpoints and an overview about running these endpoints. Before you run an endpoint, you must authenticate yourself. For more information, see  Access and authentication for the REST API Open link

Managing data tables from the external source file

You can create, update, delete, and retrieve details of data tables by running APIs.

POST /data_tables
Request URL
Example request URL
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link .

Parameter details

Parameter NameValue TypeLocated InMandatoryDescription
tagStringBodyYesReference for the data table. This parameter can be considered as the name of the data table.

Rows in the data table from the external source file.

This parameter can contain a maximum of 10000 rows and 4MB of content.

Request body

  "tag": "String",
  "content": "String"

Example request body

  "tag": "Import label",

Successful response

  "message": "[Successfully created data table.]",
  "object": {
    "id": "[68f1c644-3594-11ec-9a65-3515b2f79aad]"

Unsuccessful responses

Scenario 1: You specify an incorrect name for the request parameter.

    "key": "validation.schema.additionalProperties",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "message": "Object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: [\"test\"]",
    "additionalInfo": []
    "key": "validation.schema.required",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "message": "Object has missing required properties ([\"content\"])",
    "additionalInfo": []

Scenario 2: You specify an empty data table in the content parameter.

  "message": "Data table content cannot be empty.",
  "errorCode": "CONTENT_NOT_VALID"

Scenario 3: You do not specify comma-separated content for the data table.

  "message": "Content values should be comma separated.",
  "errorCode": "CONTENT_NOT_VALID"

Scenario 4: You specify different number of fields in each row of the data table.

  "message": "Number of fields at row number 2 are not equal to number of fields at row number 1.",
  "errorCode": "CONTENT_NOT_VALID"

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PUT /data_tables


This API endpoint replaces the entire data table content. To append or remove rows from the data table, make the required changes on the entire data table content locally, and then use the updated content in the API request.

After you run this endpoint, make sure that you update the policy associated with the data table to bind the updated data table content.

Request URL
Example request URL
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link .

Parameter details

Parameter NameValue TypeLocated InMandatoryDescription
StringBodyYesReference for the data table. This parameter can be considered as the name of the data table.

Rows in the data table from the external source file.

This parameter can contain a maximum of 10000 rows and 4MB of content.

StringBodyYesID of the data table.

Request body

  "tag": "String",
  "content": "String",
  "id": "String"

Example request body

  "tag": "Import label",
  "id": "c8f7af05-3594-11ec-9a65-f335c7198f8c"

Successful response

  "message": "[Successfully updated data table.]",
  "object": {
    "id": "[c8f7af05-3594-11ec-9a65-f335c7198f8c]"

Unsuccessful responses

Scenario 1: You attempt to update a data table entry that does not exist.

  "message": "[Failed to update data table entry for tenant 1220296999, entry with same id does not exist.]",

Scenario 2: You specify a short and invalid data table ID.

  "message": "[Failed to update data table entry db64.]",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_ID"

Scenario 3: You specify a long and invalid data table ID.

  "message": "[Failed to update data table entry c8f7af05-3594-11ec-9a65-f335c7198f8cftabcdfe.]",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_ID"

Scenario 4: You do not specify the content for the data table.

  "message": "Data table content cannot be empty.",
  "errorCode": "CONTENT_NOT_VALID"

Scenario 5: You do not specify comma-separated content for the data table.

  "message": "Content values should be comma separated.",
  "errorCode": "CONTENT_NOT_VALID"

Scenario 6: You specify different number of fields in each row of the data table.

  "message": "Number of fields at row number 2 are not equal to number of fields at row number 1.",
  "errorCode": "CONTENT_NOT_VALID"

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GET  /data_tables/<id>
Request URL
Example URL
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link .

Parameter details

Parameter NameValue TypeLocated InMandatoryDescription
StringPathYesID of the data table.

Successful response

  "message": "Data Table entry found.",
  "object": {
    "id": "c8f7af05-3594-11ec-9a65-f335c7198f8c",
    "tag": "Import Lable",
    "tenantId": "1360806657",

Unsuccessful response

Scenario 1: You specify a short and invalid data table ID.

  "message": "[Failed to get data table entry abcd3.]",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_ID"

Scenario 2: You specify a long and invalid data table ID.

  "message": "[Failed to get data table entry c8f7af05-3594-11ec-9a65-f335c7198f8cftabcdfe.]",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_ID"

Scenario 3: You specify a data table ID that does not exist.

  "message": "[Failed to get data table entry for tenant 1220296999, entry with same id does not exist.]",

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DELETE  /data_tables/<id>
Request URL
Example request URL
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link .

Parameter details

NameValue TypeLocated InMandatoryDescription



ID of the data table.

Successful responses

  "message": "Deleted data table entry 68f1c644-3594-11ec-9a65-3515b2f79aad."

Unsuccessful response

Scenario 1: You specify a data table ID that does not exist.

  "message": "[Failed to delete data table entry for tenant 1220296999, entry with same id does not exist.]",

Scenario 2: You specify a long and invalid data table ID.

  "message": "[Failed to get data table entry c8f7af05-3594-11ec-9a65-f335c7198f8cftabcdfe.]",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_ID"

Scenario 3: You specify a short and invalid data table ID.

  "message": "[Failed to get data table entry abcd.]",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_ID"

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POST /data_tables/search
Request URL
Example request URL
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link .

Parameter details

Parameter NameValue TypeLocated InMandatoryDescription

The conditions for searching data tables. You can specify the query conditions by using the following operators:

  • =
  • like (This operator can be used only on the tag column)
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=

You can use a single column or a combination of the following columns to search data tables:

  • tag
  • modificationTime
  • creationTime

The page index. The value for the index starts with 1. This parameter supports pagination.

For example, 

There are a total of 50 records and the records listed on the first page are 25. To view records on the next page, specify the pageIndex as 2.

recordsPerPageIntegerBodyNoThe number of search results on every page.

The criteria to sort data tables. You can use a single column or a combination of the following columns to sort data tables:

  • tag
  • modificationTime
  • creationTime

Request body

  "query": "string",
  "pageIndex": "integer",
  "recordsPerPage": "integer",
  "sortCriteria": "string"

Example request body

  "query": "tag = 'test' and modificationTime >= 1628736628709 ",
  "pageIndex": 1,
  "recordsPerPage": 10,
  "sortCriteria": "tag desc"
  "pageIndex": 1,
  "recordsPerPage": 10
  "query": "tag like 'abcd%'",
  "pageIndex": 1,

Successful response

  "dataTables": [
      "id": "bb093bd4-6182-11ec-959b-759bf10b5454",
      "tag": "abcd"
      "id": "be7153c5-6187-11ec-959b-55e7fe592d72",
      "tag": "abcd"
  "totalRecords": 2

Unsuccessful responses

Scenario 1: You specify an invalid column name in the query search criteria.

    "key": "400",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "message": "Invalid columnName id in search criteria.",
    "additionalInfo": []

Scenario 2: You specify an invalid column name in the sort criteria.

    "key": "400",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "message": "Invalid columnName id in sort criteria.",
    "additionalInfo": []

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