Testing your survey

To test the end-to-end experience of how surveys are received by a customer, you can generate a test email and follow the steps as a customer might. Alternatively, to test is quickly, you can also complete the survey as an agent or administrator.

To create a survey as an Agent

  1. Perform one of the following actions:
    • From the Home console, select Actions > New > <Workspace Name> <Survey name>.
    • If you have configured a specific console for surveys, click Create Survey or  <Custom name> configured by your system administrator.
    • If your system administrator has configured a predefined view for your survey based on a saved search, click the <Survey name> from the view.
  2. On the Survey form, complete the survey, and click Save.
  3. To view your saved responses, select the Survey from the list on the My Workspaces tab.

To test emailing a survey to a customer

  1. Using an Agent account, create and save a ticket from the Workspace containing your survey item and link it to a contact with an email address that you can access for testing. Also, ensure that the email address you provide is not associated with any FootPrints agent or administrator accounts.
    To send out an survey email, ensure that the ticket meets the criteria for your survey rule before saving it.
    If you don't want to test the survey with a linked contact, you can also configure the survey rule to send the email to a specific email address for the test.
  2. Using the test email account associated with the contact in step 1, click the survey link in the email.
    The survey opens in a FootPrints survey page and does not require you to log on (The survey is anonymous).


    Ensure that the Portal Guest role for the container in which the survey is created has the permission to create the survey and edit permission for the fields used in the survey questions.

  3. Complete the survey and click Submit.
  4. To view the survey, log on as an agent and select the survey from the My Workspaces view or from the custom view which is created based on a saved searches to view the survey results.

Related topics

Configuring surveys

Planning your survey

Creating survey items

Creating survey questions

Defining rules for sending customer surveys

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  1. Linda Kirkpatrick

    It is important to note that the Portal Guest Role drives the submitter permissions for Surveys.

    Mar 10, 2016 09:27
    1. Don Cholish

      This should be updated shortly. 

      Mar 21, 2016 10:46
  2. Linda Kirkpatrick

    It would be useful to include steps to report on surveys as well.  By using a multi select field, you can't perform calculations.    You need additional fields to handle the actual content values. 

    Mar 10, 2016 09:28
    1. Deval Faldu


      Thank you for your comment. We will address it as soon as possible.

      Warm Regards,

      Mar 10, 2016 11:19
    1. Don Cholish

      These details will likely go in another topic at some point. I don't think they make sense in a "testing" topic.

      Mar 21, 2016 10:50