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To help users resolve issues, you can allow users to upload files from the Self-Service Portal. You can limit the types and sizes of files that they can upload.


This feature works with both http://midTierServerName:portNumber/eschat/arhome.html and with http://midTierServerName:portNumber/eschat/ available with 8.1.02 and later.

To configure file uploads:

  1. From the Virtual Agent Administration Console, select Self Service Portal > Configuration.
  2. To view all configurations, select the Show Disabled checkbox.
  3. Select File Transfer, and click Modify. 
  4. Set Status to Enabled.

  5. In XML window, you can modify the following parameters.

    In a comma-separated list, specify the file type extensions that users can upload. Users can upload disallowed file types, but the files are added to and attached as .zip files.
    Specify the location of the xfer folder created on during installation. For example,C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat6.0\webapps\xfer.
    Specify the IP address of the server where Apache Tomcat and the xfer folder is located. For example,
    Set to True to allow self-service users to upload files. Set to False to disallow uploads. These values are not case sensitive.
    In kilobytes, specify the maximize file size for uploads, such as 1024, 100k,100kb,100kilobytes, 1m, 1mb, 1megabyte. Zero or not including this parameter, means no limit other than the BMC Action Request System file attachment limit. The default value is 100kb.
    Set to False to disallow self-service users to upload executable files, such as .exe files. Set to True to allow executable file uploads. These values are not case sensitive. An empty or incorrect value is equal to False.
    In a comma-separated list, specify the signatures for executable files that users can upload.
  6. Click Save.
  7.  In the Self Service Portal Configuration screen, click Apply.
  8. In the Registered Servlets table, select the ESChat servlet, and click Refresh Servlets.


The following is an example of the XML code for the File Transfer configuration. 

	<xfer_basepath>C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\xfer</xfer_basepath>

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