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You can change the settings for App Visibility agent for Java in the file located in the installationDirectory/ADOPsInstall/properties directory.


After you change the file, restart the agent.

Updating agent parameters

The following properties can be updated to allow the agent to connect to the portal.

  • App Visibility portal host name or IP address (default localhost), and the listening port number (default 8100) of the App Visibility portal. If you upgraded your App Visibility server Open link to the current version, and you enabled high availability in the upgraded version, ensure that you update each App Visibility agent to connect to the portal's load balancing server.

  • Proxy server host and port when communicating with the portal and collector.
    Default is blank; connection will be executed directly, without using a proxy server.


    Proxy server details are required only if you are using a reverse proxy server or load balancing server. This is not the same server as the App Visibility proxy, which is used to collect end-user browser data.
  • The number of milliseconds to wait before connecting to the portal.
    Increase this value if a warning message is displayed, and the application server fails to start, or is not working properly. Default is 10000 (10 seconds).

  • Application server name to display in the TrueSight console.
  • Agent Web Console (supportability) port range.
    This specifies the lowest and highest port numbers for agent's ports in the range (inclusive) from 1024 to 65536. Default values are 50000 and 51000.

  • Algorithm for client SSL authentication with the portal (SunX509/IbmX509).

  • Provider for client SSL authentication with the portal (SunJSSE).


Encrypting passwords

Before changing your password, you must encrypt it using the following procedure.

  1. Run the following command:
    installationDirectory/collector/bin/ newPassword
    A message is displayed during encryption and then the encrypted password is displayed.
  2. Copy the encrypted password and paste it in the relevant properties file.

Related topics

Installing an App Visibility agent for Java Open link

Verifying the installation of App Visibility agent for Java Open link

Changing settings of the App Visibility agent for .NET

Configuring an App Visibility agent policy to collect and monitor application information