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This topic discusses how the BMC PATROL Agent supports compression and streaming.


The compression feature in BMC PATROL Agent provides the best compression ratio and helps efficiently reduce the usage of network bandwidth. The pconfig, PatrolCli, and PEMAPI application interfaces are compatible with this feature.

To disable compression, you can use the BMC_PATROL_DISABLE_COMPRESSION operating system environment variable. You can add this variable on the clients such as the pconfig and PatrolCli client applications, and the server such as BMC PATROL Agent, and set it to a value of 1.

You can disable the compression by setting the BMC_PATROL_DISABLE_COMPRESSION operating system environment variable on any one component before starting the component. If you set the operating system environment variable on the computer running BMC PATROL Agent and then start the agent, the product disables compression for all the clients that communicate with this agent.

If you want to disable compression for a specific client only, you can set the BMC_PATROL_DISABLE_COMPRESSION operating system environment variable on that client only. By doing so, you do not affect the other clients.


The streaming functionality provides the BMC PATROL Agent client applications (subscription applications) with real-time data. BMC PATROL Agent collects the generated data and actively passes the data to its subscribers.


The streaming and compression functionalities are supported only by version 8.0 of BMC ProactiveNet Analytics (PATROL Adapter).