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To create ad hoc reports

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs > BusinessObjects XI 3.1 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > BusinessObjects Enterprise Java InfoView.
  2. Enter your log in details and and click Log On.
  3. Click the Document List.
  4. Click New below Document List and select Web Intelligence Document.
    A list of all universes is displayed.
  5. Select BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management Universe.
    A window for New Web Intelligence Document appears.
  6. From the Performance Management folder, drag and drop appropriate objects from the objects lists on the left to the Result Objects pane. A typical performance report may include the following objects:
    • BPPM Server Name, Device Name, Monitor Type, Attribute Name, Instance Name, Date, and the following Measures objects Average Value, Minimum Value, and Maximum Value.
    • You can also add pre-defined filters to the Query Filters pane from the Performance Custom Dimensions folder. For example, add the Enter/Select Device - Monitor - Attribute filter.
      Your new Web Intelligent Document looks like this:

  7. Click Edit Report, by default the system creates a tabular format of the objects you have selected.
  8. You can add graph report by:
    • Right-click the report tab and select Insert Report.
    • Click the Templates tab on the left and select the chart you want. For example, Report Elements > Charts > Line > Vertical Mixed.
    • Click the Data tab and drag your report objects on to the chart. For example, place the Daily object on the X axis; place the Average Value on the Y axis; and place Device Name on the Z axis.
    • Click the Properties tab and select Legend to add a legend to your chart.
  9. In case of multiple attributes, a section is required on the attribute name . to create a section, drag and drop the attribute name object above the graph in the report.
  10. Click Refresh Data and select values for Device, Monitor, and Attribute in the prompts that appear.
  11. Click Run Query. The chart is now populated with values.
  12. Click the Drill icon on the toolbar to enable drilling on the report.