This documentation supports an earlier version of BMC Helix Operations Management.

To view the documentation for the latest version, select 23.3 from the Product version picker.

Using BMC Helix Monitor Agent to collect data

BMC Helix Monitor Agent is a light-weight containerized collector that is pre-configured and is ready to be deployed. It has the following advantages:

  • No Agent configurations are required after deployment.
  • Knowledge modules (KMs) are already deployed within the container.

Following KMs are pre-configured with the BMC Helix Monitor Agent . You can start monitoring by creating policies. 

System requirements

Container orchestration

The following cluster environments are supported:

  • Kubernetes 1.18.x and later.
    The same versions are supported for the Kubernetes client (kubectl).


Managed Kubernetes services, such as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) are not supported.

Package manager

Helm 3.2.3 and later are supported.

What is Helm?

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. Helm is the Kubernetes equivalent of yum or apt. Helm deploys charts, which you can think of as a packaged application. It is a collection of all your versioned, pre-configured application resources which can be deployed as one unit.

For more information, see  Installing Open link .

Container host operating system

BMC Helix Monitor Agent has no specific dependencies on the underlying Linux OS or releases running on your worker nodes.

You can use any x86_64 GNU/Linux OS supported by your Kubernetes or OpenShift platform and release version.

Docker registry requirements

Direct access to BMC's Docker Trusted Repository (DTR) at  is available. You can also use Local Harbor 2.1 or later synchronized with BMC's Docker Trusted Repository.

Best practice

BMC highly recommends that you install a local repository. A local repository provides the following benefits:

  • Improved performance
    The container images are cached and accessed locally during deployments and upgrades.
  • Security 
    You can implement your own security scan of containers before deployment.
  • Access control
    You can control access to the local repository by using authentication and authorization.
  • Air-gap support
    You can replicate the local repository to support environments that do not have internet access.

For information about installing a local Harbor repository synchronized with the BMC DTR, see Setting up a Harbor repository.

Note: The local Harbor repository is recommended

BMC does not manage any repository other than Harbor and recommends that you use the local Harbor repository to pull the container image. However, if you are using any other repository, make sure that the repository is configured to connect to the BMC DTR to pull the container image.

Downloading the BMC Helix Monitor Agent chart and container images

To download the helm chart and token

  1. Log in to  EPD Open link  by using your Support user ID and password. You might also be prompted to complete the Export Compliance Form. If you are accessing this site for the first time, create a new EPD profile to specify the languages and platforms that you want to download. For assistance with EPD, see  EPD site help Open link .
  2. Download the helm chart Helix-monitor-agent- to a temporary directory.

  3. Download the container-token.bmc file containing the Docker token.

Download link for the installation file

EPD link to the productDescription of the content

BMC Helix Monitor Agent-Containerized Open link

Download the token again even if you have downloaded it for an earlier release.

Contains of the downloaded file
BMC Helix Monitor Agent-ContainerizedHelix-monitor-agent-22.4.00.tgz
Kubernetes multi-node deploymentHelix-monitor-agent-k8s-22.4.00.tgz

Container images

BMC containers images are distributed from Open link . You can access the containers for the licensed products by using your registered support account and a new password. This password is saved in a file which is downloaded with this PDF file. The password is shared among all the containerized BMC software that you have access to.

Check your downloads directory for the container-token.bmc file that contains your generated password. For step-by-step instructions on how to use this password to obtain the BMC container images, see  Setting up a Harbor repository .

To deploy BMC Helix Monitor Agent

  1. Copy the downloaded file (Helix-monitor-agent-22.4.00.tar) to the controller or bastion machine from where the Kubernetes cluster is accessible. Extract the tar file.
  2. Create Kubernetes image pull secret by using the following command:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry <image pull secret name> --docker-username=<docker registry user name> --docker-password=<docker registry password> --docker-email=<docker registry email>

    For local repository, ensure that you change the docker-server value in this command.

  3. There are two (2) helm charts available in the downloaded file. Extract the required file from the downloaded files by running the following command: tar -zxf <filename>.
    The default yaml file is helix-monitor-agent/values.yaml . You must replace all values starting and ending with __.  Also, replace image pull secret name with the newly created secret name.

    # Default values for helix-monitor-agent
    # This is a YAML-formatted file.
    # Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

    registryhost: __DOCKER_REPOSITORY_HOSTNAME__

    namespace: __NAMESPACE__
      name: bmc-epdhub
      enabled: true

      repository: bmc/lp411
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      tag: helix-monitor-agent-22.4.00-30

      name: patrolagent
        port: 3181
        name: pa-port

        apikey: __APIKEY__
        certificate: "__CERTIFICATE__"
        TAGS: CNTR
      maxlogsize: 3Gi
          cpu: 500m
          memory: 4096Mi
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 1024Mi

  4. Open the values.yaml file in a text editor and edit the following details:

    Yaml parameters 


    The docker registryhost containing the Helix Monitor Agent.  The default value is


    Specify the namespace Open link where you want to deploy the Helix Monitor Agent container. 


    Secret to authenticate with a container registry to pull an image. For more information, see  Pull an Image from a Private Registry. Open link


    The name of Secrets. Replace image pull secret name with the newly created secret name.


    Set it true when you want to enable imagePullSecrets.



    The location on the registry where the container image exists. Modify the parameter if you are using a local repository.


    Image pull policy for pod.

    Options available:

    • Always
    • IfNotPresent
    • Never

    tag (Optional)

    Container image tag. Modify the parameter only if you have created custom tags on containers.



    The Kubernetes deployment name. This name must be unique in a namespace. 

    ports (Optional)

    The port used by PATROL Agent.
    API Key
    1. In BMC Helix Operations Management , navigate to Administration > Repository.
    2. Click Copy API key and paste it in the values.yaml file.
      If you have configured a rotation interval for the API key in BMC Helix Portal , make sure that you use the latest API key each time the key rotates. For instructions about configuring a rotation interval, see Using API keys for external integrations. Open link

    BHOM tenant URL

    Enter https:< BMC Helix Operations Management  tenant URL>:443.
    For example, .

    1. Click the lock sign before the  BMC Helix Operations Management URL.
    2. Click Connection is secure and then click Certificate is valid.
    3. Click the Certificate Path tab.
    4. Select the root certificate path (for example, DigiCert Global Root CA) and then click View Certifiate.
    5. Click the Details tab and then click Copy to File.
    6. On the Certificate Export Wizard, click Next.
    7. On the Export File Format page, select Base 64 encoded X.509 (.CER) and then click Next.
    8. In the File Name field, enter the file name to save the certificate and browse a folder to save the file.
    9. Open the file where you saved the certificate and copy the certificate.
      Do not copy the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines.
    10. Back in the configuration file, paste the certifiate enclosed in single quotes ('').
      The following image shows the process to download and copy the certificate:
    1. Click the lock sign before the  BMC Helix Operations Management URL.
    2. Click Connect secure and then click More information.
    3. Click View Certificate.
    4. Click the root certificate tab (for example, DigiCert Global Root CA).
    5. In the Miscellaneous section, click PEM (cert) and save the file.
    6. Open the downloaded file and copy the certificaate.
      Do not copy the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines.
    7. Back in the configuration file, paste the certifiate enclosed in single quotes ('').
      The following image shows the process to download and copy the certificate:

    The hostname by which PATROL Agent is displayed in BMC Helix Operation Management. There should not be any other existing Agent with the same host name.

    Tags (Optional)

    Tags with which PATROL Agent identifies in the server.

    maxlogsize (optional)

    The maximum amount of ephemeral storage container consumes on kubernetes for the logs folder.

    Resources  (Optional)
    Limits (CPU, memory)

    The upper limit of CPU and memory resources allotted for the container. For more information, see Resource Management. Open link

    Requests (CPU, memory)

    The minimum CPU and memory resources allotted for the container. For more information, see Resource Management. Open link

    Forward Proxy configurationIf you have configured forward proxy server, enter the username, password, and the forward proxy URL.
    Multi-node specific Kubernetes variable
    enableNodeDeploymentSet the variable to true.

    Tags with which PATROL Agent identifies in the server. ( Use tag name in agent selection criteria while creating monitor policy)

    # Default values for helix-monitor-agent
    # This is a YAML-formatted file.
    # Declare variables to be passed into your templates.


    namespace: patrolagent
      name: bmc-epdhub
      enabled: true

      repository: bmc/lp411
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      tag: helix-monitor-agent-22.4.00-30

      name: patrolagent
        port: 3181
        name: pa-port

        apikey: 1a11aa1a-1aa1-111a-1111-11a11a11111a
        certificate: "MIIDrzCCApegAwIBAgIQCDvgVpBCRrGhdWrJWZHHSjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBh
        TAGS: CNTR
      maxlogsize: 3Gi
          cpu: 500m
          memory: 4096Mi
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 1024Mi

  5. Run the following command: 

    helm3 install -f <override values yaml file path> <helm deplyoment name> <container file name>

    For example, helm3 install -f helix-monitor-agent/values.yaml k8s-agent helix-monitor-agent-22.4.00.tgz

    NAME: abs-agent
    LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jun 24 06:34:36 2022
    NAMESPACE: patroldev
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None

To verify the deployment

  1. Run the following command to check the helm chart deployment status:

    helm3 list
  2. In BMC Helix Operations Management , navigate to Configuration > Agents
  3. Search for BMC Helix Monitor Agent by entering its name in the search box.
    For a BMC Helix Monitor Agent , the version ends with letter c.

To uninstall BMC Helix Monitor Agent

  1. Run the following command:
    helm3 uninstall <deployment name>
  2. To verify the uninstallation, run the following command:

    helm3 list


  • Port 3181 is not exposed outside the container. Therefore, no PatrolCli or console connection is possible from the host computer or within the container.
  • You cannot change or re-configure the default account for the BMC Helix Monitor Agent .
  • KM push is not supported.
  • You cannot modify the container contents after deployment.
  • You cannot restart the Agent.

To enable the BMC Helix Monitor Agent debug logs, go to Configuration > Agents and use the Query PATROL Agent option from the actions menu for the Agent.

If the Agent is not connected to BMC Helix Operations Management , start a new Agent process with debug flags in the container on a different port.

Copy the debug log files from the container manually. 

Enable the KM debug logs option in the KM configuration.

To copy the debug log files from the container manually:

  1. Use the following command to get pod’s name:

    kubectl get po | grep <service name defined in values.yml>
  2. Use the following command to copy the file from pod:

    kubectl cp <namespace>/<podname>:<LogFilePath>   <localFolderPath>


In a container, Java is installed at /opt/java. Set JAVA_HOME as /opt/java.

Run the following commands:

  1. To search the pod, run kubectl get po 
  2. Then run, kubectl logs <POD name>
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