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Creating a Code Review 1.7 on RHEL 5.9 service offering

This topic describes the tasks that you must perform in BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management to create the service offering that the end user can then use to provision the application infrastructure (for example, an OS and an application package).


Although services and service offerings are bundled with the zipkits, you might want to use the procedures to create a service and service offering to create or edit these artifacts.

It includes the following topics:

To create the service and the service offering

In the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Administrator console, you must add a service and a service offering.

For Code Review 1.7 service blueprint, create a service and service offering based on the available deployment model. The Code Review 1.7 service blueprint support following deployment models:

Deployment model

In the single-tier deployment model, Code Review will be installed on a single instance of a server along with Apache, Subversion and MySQL.


In the multi-tier deployment model, Code Review will be installed on a single instance of a server along with Apache, Subversion and MySQL will be installed on another instance of a server.

To create a service

  1. From the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Administration Console, click the vertical Workspaces menu on the left side of the window, and click Service Catalog.
  2. In the Service Catalog, click Create a New Service.
  3. Enter the service name.
  4. For Type, select a service type.
    • Business service — Services that customers use and that show the customer view of services, such as email or an online store.
    • Technical service — Supporting IT and infrastructure resources required to support business services that are not visible to customers, such as servers, applications, and network CIs.


      After you select the type and save the service, you cannot change the type.

  5. Enter a description of the service.
  6. Do one of the following actions:
    • To create the service offering, click Apply.
    • To create the service offering later, click Save to save your selections and close the window.

To create a service offering

  1. From the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Administration Console, click the vertical Workspaces menu on the left side of the window, and click Service Catalog.
  2. From the Service Catalog, edit or create a service.
    In the Service Offering tab, a default service offering is available, which you can edit.
  3. Click Create a New Service Offering.
  4. In the General Information tab, define the options described in the following table. 



    Default Service Offering

    Enable this option to make the selected service offering the default for the service. Unless users select a different service offering, the default service offering is used.


    A short, descriptive name for the service offering.


    A more detailed description of the service offering.

    Service Blueprint

    Specify the software and hardware to associate with the service offering by selecting one of the available blueprints.

    Reference Definition

    Specify which version of the blueprint to use for this offering. Choose one of the following:
    Latest version—Use the latest version of the specified service blueprint.
    Specific Version—Use the version of the service blueprint that you select.
    Identified by Tag—Select the tag that is used to identify a version of a service blueprint. Because no two versions of a service blueprint can have the same tag, if the association of the tag to a version changes, your blueprint will use whichever version makes use of that tag.

    DefinitionSpecify how to deploy the selected service blueprint. From the list, select a definition that is available for the chosen service blueprint.
  5. Add a Base Customer Price to define the amount charged to the customer for the service offering.
  6. Add a Base Deployment Cost to define the amount that it costs to provide the service offering.
  7. Click Apply.
    This action activates the Options tab. You now also can create a requestable offering (for example, a request definition or a post-deploy action). For additional information, see Creating a requestable offering in the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management online technical documentation.

To make the provisioning request

  1. Access Workspaces > Service Instances to display the Service Instances workspace, and click New Service Request.

  2. In the New Service Request dialog box, click the server provisioning service you want to display the Submit Request dialog box.To complete the Service Request for Code Review 1.7, specify the following Parameters:

    Code Review AdministratorCode Review Admin User
    Code Review Database Name
    Code Review Database Name
    Code Review Password
    Code Review Admin Password
    ConfirmCode Review Admin Password
    Domain Name
    Domain Name for Code Review eg. example.com
    E-mail IDEmail ID for Admin User
    MySQL Database PasswordCode Review Database User Password
    ConfirmCode Review Database User Password
    MySQL Database UsernameCode Review Database User Name
    MySQL Port NumberUser-Defined MySQL Port
    MySQL Root PasswordMySQL  Root User Password
    ConfirmMySQL  Root User Password
  3. Enter the data in the required fields to complete the request for an instance of the service request. You can click Next to review the details.
  4. Click Submit. The request is added to the Pending Activity list in the Service Instances window.

The request status is displayed in the Pending Activity list of the Service Instances window. You can double-click on the service request to see its detailed information.

For more detailed procedures, see Requesting cloud services and  Requesting cloud services in the legacy console.

To validate the provisioned components

After provisioning the blueprint, you can validate the Code Review 1.7 components setup in your environment.

ComponentsHow to verifyResults
To access Code Review

To access Code Review, visit the following page:

 http://[ ServerIP or Hostname ]/review

Note: kindly update the URL as per your environment.

This displays Code Review home page.
To verify Apache web server
To verify Apache web server, run the following command:

httpd -v
This displays Apache web server version.
To verify MySQL

To verify MySQL, run the following command:

mysql -V
This command displays MySQL version.

Where to go next

After you have created the service offering, the cloud end user can request a service offering from the My Cloud Services console. To view a list of tasks that the cloud end user can perform to manage your cloud services, see Managing cloud resources.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
