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Performing clean up of reconciliation job runs and events history

BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management does not provide any mechanism to clean up the reconciliation job runs and reconciliation job events history records. As the number of records grow, a number of issues occur related to reconciliation jobs used by BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management. To clean up the reconciliation job run and job events history, a .def file is available, with escalation objects. After you import the file in your environment, you can configure the number of days a record should be maintained in BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management.


  • When you import the .def file on the enterprise AR System server and cloud AR System server, by default the escalations are enabled.
  • The utility runs every day and deletes records of all reconciliation jobs in the system. To restrict to specific reconciliation jobs, see To restrict the escalation to delete specific reconciliation jobs.
  • This utility can be used on BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management version 3.0.x and 3.1.x.
  • When you upgrade to 4.0, BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management uses Atrium CMDB 8.1, which has an in-built mechanism to clear the older CIs. After you upgrade to BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management 4.0, you must disable or delete these escalation objects (RE:DeleteOldReconciliationJobRuns and RE:DeleteOldReconciliationJobEventsRecords) from EAR and CAR. 

Import and configure workflows

Perform the following steps to import and configure the file:

  1. Download and extract the .def zip file from the following location and place it on the server where BMC Remedy AR System Development Studio is installed.


  2. From BMC Remedy AR System Development Studio, connect to the enterprise BMC Remedy AR System server (AR System server) with an AR Administrator account.
  3. To import the .def file in the enterprise AR System server, go to File > Import > Object Definition and click Next
  4. Ensure that Enterprise AR Server is selected and click Next.
  5. Click Browse to browse to the location and select the .def file and click Next.
  6. Select Replace the objects in destination server check box while importing the .def files.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Connect to the cloud AR Sytem server and extract the .def file and import it in the cloud AR System server by using the same procedure as described in Step 2 to Step 7.
    After you import the .def file in the enterprise AR server and the cloud AR server, the escalations in the def file delete the records from the RE:Job_Runs and RE:Job_Events, which are older than 15 days. By default, data for only 15 days is retained. You can change the number of days to retain the data in the records.

To edit the default number of days

  1. From the BMC Remedy AR System Development Studio, connect to the enterprise BMC Remedy AR System server (AR System server) with an AR Administrator account. 
  2. Expand All Objects and open Escalations.
  3. Open the RE:DeleteOldReconciliationJobRuns escalation and in the Run If Qualification, and search the following line:
    'Modified Date' <= ($DATE$ - (((60 * 60) * 24) * <Number of Days>))
  4. Specify the number of days for which you want to retain the job run history in the <Number of Days> field.
    For example, if you want to delete the job runs history older than 30 days, then specify 30 in the following line:
    'Modified Date' <= ($DATE$ - (((60 * 60) * 24) * 30))
  5. Open the DeleteOldReconciliationJobEventsRecords escalation and repeat Step 3-4 to change the value in the Modified Date field.
  6. Save the objects. 
  7. Repeat step 1-6 on cloud AR System server. 

To restrict the escalation to delete specific reconciliation jobs

You can restrict the escalation to delete specific reconciliation jobs, you can export a record from the RE:Job_Runs and RE:Job_Events forms to determine the value of the Job Instance ID, which is a hidden field, and add that restriction to the Run If Qualification. Perform the following steps to add the restriction.

  1. Open BMC Remedy User Tool and connect to the enterprise AR System server.
  2. Open the Reconcilation Job Runs form.
  3. Click Search and select the particular job whose records you want to delete.
  4. From Tools > Reporting, right-click the highlighted records, and click Properties.
  5. Click Add All.
  6. Click Apply and Ok.
  7. Right-click the highlighted record and then export to file. 
  8. Save the file.
    You can now look for Job Instance ID field value in the file and use that in the qualification. For example:
    ('Modified Date' <= ($DATE$ - (((60 * 60) * 24) * 15))) AND ('Job Instance ID' = "RE005056AC53A6MWJeTQeXYXBgnsIB")
  9. Repeat the same steps for the Reconciliation Job Events form.
  10. Repeat steps 1 to 8 on cloud AR System server.

Currently, the escalations are set to run everyday. To specify the time interval of your choice, open the escalations in the BMC Remedy AR System Development Studio and in the Execution options, in the Run By Time field, specify the time interval of your choice. 

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