Applying feature packs or fix packs on the App Visibility server silently

Where you are in the Applying feature packs or fix packs process

1Prepare to apply the feature pack or fix pack
2Apply the feature pack or fix pack on the TrueSight Presentation Server
3Apply the feature pack or fix pack on Infrastructure Management
4Apply the feature pack or fix pack on App Visibility Manager — Phase A (You are here)
Apply the feature pack or fix pack on App Visibility Manager — Phase B
5Apply the feature pack or fix pack on IT Data Analytics

To silently apply a feature pack or fix pack on the App Visibility server in standalone mode

  1. On the computer where you want to apply the feature pack or fix pack to the App Visibility server component or components, extract the downloaded files to a temporary directory.
  2. Open the following downloaded options file in a text editor:

    • (Windows)  adop-silent-option-upgrade.txt
    • (Linux)  adop-silent-option-upgrade
  3. (For App Visibility collector or proxy) If you apply the feature pack or fix pack to the App Visibility collector or proxy on a computer that does not have the App Visibility portal installation, you can update the App Visibility portal connection information.

    For example, if you are upgrading to a high-availability environment from an environment that is not HA, use these values to enter the IP address and port number of the load balancing server for the App Visibility portal.

    If you apply the feature pack or fix pack to the portal on the same computer as the collector, proxy, or both, the portal parameters are ignored for that process.

    -J portal_ip=
    -J portal_communication_port=




    App Visibility portal host name or IP address

    If a load balancing server manages access to the portal, enter the host name or IP address of the load balancer.


    Listening port of the portal

    If a load balancing server manages access to the portal, enter the port number for the load balancer.

  4. (For portal or collector,  upgrade to high-availability)

    • If you do not want to set up your environment for high availability, or if it is already set up for HA, skip to Step 6.
    • To set up a high-availability environment, set ha_enabled to true and enter values for the current component and alternate component.

      The following example displays values for a collector in a high-availability environment.

      -J ha_enabled=true
      -J ha_current_node_port=8202
      -J ha_alternate_node_port=8202
      -J ha_alternate_node_db_port=8800

      Parameter descriptions for the portal or collector's alternate component




      Setting to enable HA component configuration

      The default value is false.


      FQDN of the current computer onto which you are upgrading the component


      HA control port of the current component

      The port is dedicated for communication between nodes.


      FQDN of the alternate component's computer


      HA control port of the alternate component

      The port is dedicated for communication between nodes.


      Listening port that is used by the alternate component's App Visibility database

  5. (For collector, upgrade to high-availability ) Enter values for the load balancer that manages access to the collector: 

    -J ha_lb_host=
    -J ha_lb_port=

    Parameter descriptions for the collector's load balancer




    Host name or IP address of the load balancing server that manages access to the collector pair

    ha_lb_portListening port of the load balancing server that manages access to the collector pair
  6. Save and close the options file.
  7. To apply the feature pack or fix pack silently, enter the following command:
    • Windows

      setup.exe -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<fullFilePath>\adop-silent-option-upgrade.txt
    • Linux

      ./setup.bin -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<fullFilePath>/adop-silent-option-upgrade

To silently apply a feature pack or fix pack on the App Visibility server in high-availability mode

To upgrade an existing high-availability deployment, apply the feature pack or fix pack in the following sequence:

  1. Check your load balancing server to confirm which node is the standby node. You can also check the component log files to confirm which server is the standby node.
  2. Log into the standby node.
  3. Stop the component service for the standby node:

    • (Windows) Use the Windows services manager (services.msc) to stop the relevant component: BMC App Visibility Portal or BMC App Visibility Collector.
    • (Linux) Run the required command to stop the the relevant component:
      • Linux 
        service adop_portal stop 
        service adop_collector stop
      • SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 
        systemctl stop adop_portal.service
        systemctl stop adop_collector.service
  4. Go to the active node and follow these steps to upgrade silently:

    1. Extract the downloaded files to a temporary directory and ensure you have the following options files:
      • (Windows)  adop-silent-option-upgrade.txt
      • (Linux)  adop-silent-option-upgrade
    2. To run the silent upgrade, enter the following command:

      • (Windows) setup.exe -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<fullFilePath>\adop-silent-option-upgrade.txt

      • (Linux) ./setup.bin -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<fullFilePath>/adop-silent-option-upgrade

      If the upgrade is successful, an indication is displayed in the command window.
    3. You can examine the App Visibility server install log files located in the following directories:

      • (Windows%temp%\adopserver_install_log.txt
      • (Linux/tmp/adopserver_install_log.txt
  5. Go to the standby node and follow these steps to upgrade silently:

    1. Extract the downloaded files to a temporary directory and ensure you have the following options files:
      • (Windows)  adop-silent-option-upgrade.txt
      • (Linux)  adop-silent-option-upgrade
    2. To run the silent upgrade, enter the following command:

      • (Windows) setup.exe -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<fullFilePath>\adop-silent-option-upgrade.txt

      • (Linux) ./setup.bin -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<fullFilePath>/adop-silent-option-upgrade

      If the upgrade is successful, an indication is displayed in the command window.
    3. You can examine the App Visibility server install log files located in the following directories:

      • (Windows%temp%\adopserver_install_log.txt
      • (Linux/tmp/adopserver_install_log.txt
  6. Ensure that you perform steps from 1 to 5 for both Portal and Collector components.

  7. Perform the following steps to upgrade the App Visibility Proxy:

    1. Login to the host computer on which you want to install the app Visibility proxy.
    2. Extract the downloaded files to a temporary directory and ensure you have the following options file:
      • (Windows)  adop-silent-option-upgrade.txt
      • (Linux)  adop-silent-option-upgrade
    3. If necessary, edit the above options file to update the App Visibility portal connection information.

      -J portal_ip=
      -J portal_communication_port=




      App Visibility portal host name or IP address

      If a load balancing server manages access to the portal, enter the host name or IP address of the load balancer.


      Listening port of the portal

      If a load balancing server manages access to the portal, enter the port number for the load balancer.

    4. Save and close the upgrade options file.
    5. In a command line window, navigate to the directory with the silent-option-upgrade file.
    6. Run the following command to upgrade the App Visibility Proxy:
      • (Windowssetup.exe -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<fullFilePath>\adop-silent-option-upgrade.txt

      • (Linux) ./setup.bin -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<fullFilePath>/adop-silent-option-upgrade

      If the upgrade is successful, an indication is displayed in the command window.

    7. You can examine the App Visibility Proxy install log files located in the following directories:

      • (Windows%temp%\adopserver_install_log.txt
      • (Linux/tmp/adopserver_install_log.txt

To silently apply the feature pack or fix pack and enabling high-availability in App Visibility server 

If you have an existing App Visibility Portal or Collector in standalone mode and installed on separate host machines, you can enable HA when you are applying the latest fix pack. Do the following:

  1. Upgrade your existing Portal and Collector nodes in standalone mode and enable HA when you apply the fix pack. For more information, see To silently apply a feature pack or fix pack on the App Visibility server in standalone mode.
  2. Install an additional 11.3.01 standalone App Visibility Portal or Collector node. For more information, see  Installing TrueSight App Visibility Manager. Open link
  3. Apply the latest fix pack and enable the HA mode on the additional node during the upgrade. For more information, see To silently apply a feature pack or fix pack on the App Visibility server in standalone mode.

Troubleshooting the feature pack or fix pack application

  • If the feature pack or fix pack is successful applied, an indication is displayed in the command window.

  • If the feature pack or fix pack application fails, you must uninstall what has been installed before rerunning the process. For more information about the uninstall process, see Uninstalling the App Visibility server.

  • You can examine the App Visibility server log files are located in the following directories:

    • (Windows) %temp%\adopserver_install_log.txt
    • (Linux) /tmp/adopserver_install_log.txt

To verify the App Visibility server after applying the feature pack or fix pack

After the upgrade is complete, a successful upgrade is indicated in the wizard or on the command window. Use the following procedure to confirm or troubleshoot the upgrade of the server components. 

  1. Access the adopserver_install_log.txt file, which is located in the %temp% directory (Windows) or /tmp directory (Linux).
    Check for warnings or errors. If no error messages are present, the installation was successful.
  2. According to what you have upgraded, verify that the App Visibility server components are running.
    • (Windows) Run services.msc and verify that services are running:
      • BMC App Visibility Collector
      • BMC App Visibility Portal
      • BMC App Visibility PostgreSQL
      • BMC App Visibility Proxy
    • (Linux) Run the following commands to verify that the processes are running:

      ps -ea|grep adop_collectord
      ps -ea|grep adop_portald
      ps -ea|grep adop_apm_proxyd
      ps -ea|grep av_pgsqld
  3. Check for errors reported in the App Visibility log files in the following locations:
    • Windows
      • serverInstallationDirectory\collector\logs\collector.log
      • serverInstallationDirectory\portal\logs\portal.log
      • serverInstallationDirectory\apm-proxy\logs\apm-proxy.log
    • Linux
      • serverInstallationDirectory/collector/logs/collector.log
      • serverInstallationDirectory/portal/logs/portal.log
      • serverInstallationDirectory/apm-proxy/logs/apm-proxy.log
  4. Examine the portal status in the Component information Open link  page of the TrueSight console.

Where to go from here

Step 4 Phase B — Now that you have successfully installed the feature pack or fix pack on the App Visibility server, you must install it on the Synthetic TEA Agent.

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