Using quick filters to filter events

The quick filters on the Events page in the TrueSight console provide an easy way to filter events.

Event status row : Select the event status that you want to view. You can select more than one event status. To consider all events, irrespective of status, clear all the event status boxes.

Event severity row : Select the event severity that you want to view. You can select more than one event severity. To consider all events, irrespective of severity, clear all the event severity boxes.


  • The number of events displayed in the event severity row depends on the selected event status. When you change the event status selection, the number of events displayed in the event severity row is updated automatically.
  • OK and UNKNOWN events with a Closed status are not counted for the selected applications under Monitoring > Events page when you create a custom filter with all severities. However, these events are seen under the Monitoring > Devices page. This is the reason for mismatch in the number events between the Event-related dashlets and Monitoring Events page.


The event status and event severity filters work in conjunction and events that meet both filter criteria are displayed.

For example, if you select Open and Assigned from the event status filter and select Critical and Major from the event severity filter, the result displays the list of events with open or assigned status with critical or major severity.

To save and restore your quick filters preference

  1. Select the desired event status and event severity.
  2. From the Events action menu, select Save As Preference .
    The quick filters settings are saved and retained. Every time you log in to the TrueSight console and navigate to the Events page, the saved quick filters setting is applied.
  3. To restore the default quick filters, select Restore Default Filters .


    The default filters are:

    Status: Open, Acknowledged, Assigned, Blackout

    Severity: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, Information

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