This documentation supports the releases of BMC Helix Operations Management up to December 31, 2021.

To view the documentation for the latest version, select 23.1 from the Product version picker.

Performing metric operations with the REST API

The following section provides a list of supported endpoints and an overview about running these endpoints. Before you run an endpoint, you must authenticate yourself. For more information, see  Access and authentication for the REST API Open link

Metric Ingestion

POST /insert

Request URL
Request Header
Content-Type: Application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>/<apiKey>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Request body
#Following is an example of the PATROL Agent metrics data format
"labels": {
"metricName": "<metric name>",
"hostname": "<hostname>" ,
"entityId": "<source name>:<hostname>:<entityTypeId>:<entityName>",
"entityTypeId": "<Name of the entityTypeId>",
"entityName": "<Name of entity name>",
"hostType": "<type of host>",
"isKpi": <isKpi>,
"unit": "<unit type>",
"entityId":"<entity ID>",
"instanceName":"<instance name>"
"source": "<source type>"
"samples": [
"value": <value>,
"timestamp": <timestamp>
"value": <value>,
"timestamp": <timestamp>

Example - Request body

Parameter NameValue TypeMandatoryDescription

labels : {

metricName hostname entityId entityTypeId entityName hostType isKpi unit source


Object (Map)Yes

The following parameters are supported:

  • metricName (type: String): Name of the metric data.
    Note: The metricName is stored as __name__ label in the timeseries database.
  • hostname (type: String): Hostname of the monitored device.
  • entityId (type: String): <source name>:<hostname>:<entityTypeId>:<entityName>
  • entityTypeId (type: String): Entity type identifier.
  • entityName (type: String): Entity name of the monitored data.
  • parentEntityName (type: String): Entity name of the monitored data parent.
  • parentEntityTypeID (type: String): Entity type identifier of the monitored data parent.
  • hostType(type: String): Host computer type. For example, server, web server, application server, etc.
  • isKpi (type: Boolean): Specifies if the monitored data is a key performance indicator.
    Possible values:
    Default value: False
  • isDeviceMappingEnabled: Indicates the monitor in the hierarchy that is mapped to the device. At least one monitor must be mapped.
  • unit (type: String): Unit used to measure the monitored data. For example, byte is used to measure total disk capacity (DISK_TOTAL), seconds is used to measure the CPU speed.
  • source (type: String): Name of the monitored data source. For example, CO (Capacity Optimization), HM (Helix Operations Management), CCC (Cloud Cost Control), etc.
  • instanceName (type:String): The display name of the monitor.
  • external_id: Parameter used to add a custom tag on the monitor.

samples: [

{ value timestamp }

Object (List)

List of samples. Samples contain the monitored data value and the timestamp details.

The following parameters are supported:

  • value (type: Double (float value) or Integer): Monitored data value
  • timestamp (type: Integer): Epoch time (in milliseconds) 

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 400 (Bad Request): Unsuccessful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

POST  /prometheus

Request URL
Request Header
Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencodedapplication/x-protobuf
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>/<apiKey>
Content-Encoding : Snappy

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

To send Prometheus metrics to BMC Helix Operations Management, following exporters are supported:

  • Node exporter
  • Windows exporter
  • Oracle database exporter
  • Kafka exporter
  • Redis exporter

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 400 (Bad Request): Unsuccessful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

POST /delete

You can use this API to delete only the data that is inserted using the /insert API.

Request URL
Request Header
Content-Type: Application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>/<apiKey>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Syntax - Request body
"devices": [
"hostname": "<hostname>",
"source": "<source name>"
Example - Request body
"devices": [
"hostname": "clm-HostA",
"source": "co"

Parameter NameValue TypeMandatoryDescription

devices : [

Object (List)Yes

A list of devices.

The following parameters are supported:

  • hostname (type: String): Hostname of the monitored device.
  • source (type: String): Name of the monitored data source. For example, CO (Capacity Optimization), HM (Helix Operations Management), CCC (Cloud Cost Control), etc.

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 400 (Bad Request): Unsuccessful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response


The monitor details in the Non BMC MonitorTypes category are retained in the system even after device deletion.
For example: entityTypeId, entityName

Metric Query

GET  /query?query=<query>

Request URL
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Syntax - Request body
{<Labels name>="<name>"}&time=<time stamp>
Example - Request body

Parameter NameValue TypeMandatoryDescription

<labels name>


Labels defined in your time series database.

For example, if you have inserted the following labels, you can query the timeseries data using any of the labels such as __name__, hostname, entityId, entityTypeId, entityName, hostType, isKpi, unit, source, etc.

"labels": {
"metricName": "Utilization",
"hostname": "clm-HostA",
"entityId": "CO:clm-HostA:DISKMONITOR:CPU_TOTAL",
"entityTypeId": "DISKMONITOR",
"entityName": "DISK_TOTAL",
"hostType": "server",
"isKpi": true,
"unit": "byte",
"source": "CO"



Epoch time (in milliseconds)

Note: If you do not specify the time, the API will get the data for the current timestamp.

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

GET  /query_range?query=<query>

Request URL
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Syntax - Request body
{<labels name>="<name>"}&start=<start time stamp>&end=<end timestamp>
Example - Request body

Parameter NameValue TypeMandatoryDescription

<labels name>


Labels defined in your time series database.

If you have inserted labels as shown in the following example, you can query the timeseries data using any of the labels such as, __name__, hostname, entityId, entityTypeId, entityName, hostType, isKpi, unit, source, etc.

"labels": {
"metricName": "Utilization",
"hostname": "clm-HostA",
"entityId": "CO:clm-HostA:DISKMONITOR:CPU_TOTAL",
"entityTypeId": "DISKMONITOR",
"entityName": "DISK_TOTAL",
"hostType": "server",
"isKpi": true,
"unit": "byte",
"source": "CO"



Epoch time (in milliseconds)

Note: If you do not specify both the start and end time, the API will get the data for the following time frame: Current time - 5 minutes

NoEpoch time (in milliseconds)

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

GET  /labels

Request URL
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Example: Output
"status": "success",
"data": [

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

GET  /label/<lable_name>/values

Request URL
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Example request URL: List the entityNames
Example: Output
"status": "success",
"data": [

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

GET  series

Request URL
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Syntax - Request body
<labels name>="<name>"}&start=<time stamp>
Example - Request body

#Consider the following example to understand the series API:

{hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"} 10
{hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"} 1
{hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"} 10
{hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"} 2
{hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"} 3455
{hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"} 321
{hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"} 32
{hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"} 34

#In the above example, there is only 1 unique time series matching the hostname criteria and timestamp, and therefore the /series API will display the output as shown below:
#Example Output

{hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"}

Parameter NameValue TypeMandatoryDescription

<labels name>


Labels defined in your time series database.

If you have inserted labels as shown in the following example, you can query the time series using any of the labels such as, __name__, hostname, entityId, entityTypeId, entityName, hostType, isKpi, unit, source, etc.

"labels": {
"metricName": "Utilization",
"hostname": "clm-HostA",
"entityId": "CO:clm-HostA:DISKMONITOR:CPU_TOTAL",
"entityTypeId": "DISKMONITOR",
"entityName": "DISK_TOTAL",
"hostType": "server",
"isKpi": true,
"unit": "byte",
"source": "CO"



Epoch time (in milliseconds)

If you do not specify the time, the API will get the data for the current timestamp.

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

GET  /series/count

Request URL
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link


#Consider the following example to understand the series/count API: {hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"} 10 {hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"} 1 {hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"} 10 {hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"} 2 {hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"} 3455 {hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"} 321 {hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"} 32 {hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"} 34 #In the above example, there are only 2 unique time series data, and therefore the /series/count API will display the count as 2. {hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"} {hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"} #Example Output { "status": "success", "data": [ 2 ], }

Response codes

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

GET  /export?match=<condition>

Request URL

Consider the following sample examples to understand possible values for <condition>:

Sample examples
https://<HOST_NAME>/metrics-query-service/api/v1.0/export?match[]={__name__=" total1111"}
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>
Payload Encoding: url-encoded key value format

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Syntax - Request body
{<labels name>=~"<name>"}
Example - Request body
Example: Output
#The API will list the labels, values, and timestamps as shown in the following example
"metric": {
"__name__": "teemetric",
VictoriaMetrics_AccountID": "888",
"tag": "dev1",
"tag2": "inst2"
"values": [
"timestamps": [

"metric": {
"__name__": "teemetric1",
VictoriaMetrics_AccountID": "888",
"tag": "dev2",
"tag2": "inst2"
"values": [
"timestamps": [

Parameter NameValue TypeMandatoryDescription

<labels name>


Labels defined in your time series database.

If you have inserted labels as shown in the following example, you can query the timeseries data using any of the labels such as, __name__, hostname, entityId, entityTypeId, entityName, hostType, isKpi, unit, and source.

"labels": {
"metricName": "Utilization",
"hostname": "clm-HostA",
"entityId": "CO:clm-HostA:DISKMONITOR:CPU_TOTAL",
"entityTypeId": "DISKMONITOR",
"entityName": "DISK_TOTAL",
"hostType": "server",
"isKpi": true,
"unit": "byte",
"source": "CO"

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

The response Content-Type is application/stream+json.

POST  /query

You can run this API by specifying the API key in the header.

Request URL
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Syntax - Request body
{<labels name>="<name>"}&time=<time stamp>
Example - Request body

Parameter NameValue TypeMandatoryDescription

<labels name>


Labels defined in your time series database.

For example, if you have inserted the following labels, you can query the timeseries data using any of the labels such as __name__, hostname, entityId, entityTypeId, entityName, hostType, isKpi, unit, source, etc.

"labels": {
"metricName": "Utilization",
"hostname": "prometheus-k8s-0",
"entityId": "CO:prometheus-k8s-0:K8S_POD_CPU:DISK_TOTAL",
"entityTypeId": "K8S_POD_CPU",
"entityName": "DISK_TOTAL",
"hostType": "server",
"isKpi": true,
"unit": "byte",
"source": "CO"



Epoch time (in milliseconds)

Note: If you do not specify the time, the API will get the data for the current timestamp.

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

POST  /query_range

You can run this API by specifying the API key in the header.

Request URL
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>
Encoding format: url-encoded key value format

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Syntax - Request body
{<labels parameter name>="<name>"}&start=<start time stamp>&end=<end timestamp>
Example - Request body

Parameter NameValue TypeMandatoryDescription

<labels name>


Labels defined in your time series database.

If you have inserted labels as shown in the following example, you can query the time series using any of the labels such as, __name__, hostname, entityId, entityTypeId, entityName, hostType, isKpi, unit, source, etc.

"labels": {
"metricName": "Utilization",
"hostname": "clm-HostA",
"entityId": "CO:clm-HostA:DISKMONITOR:CPU_TOTAL",
"entityTypeId": "DISKMONITOR",
"entityName": "DISK_TOTAL",
"hostType": "server",
"isKpi": true,
"unit": "byte",
"source": "CO"



Epoch time (in milliseconds)

Note: If you do not specify both the start and end time, the API will get the data for the following time frame: Current time - 5 minutes

endIntegerNoEpoch time (in milliseconds)

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

POST  /labels

Request URL
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Example: Output
"status": "success",
"data": [

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

POST  series

Request URL
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Syntax - Request body
Example - Request body
#Consider the following example to understand the series API:
{hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"}  10
{hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"}  1
{hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"}  10
{hostname="clm-HostA", server="web server"}  2
{hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"}  3455
{hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"}  321
{hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"}  32
{hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"}  34

#Example Output - In the above example, there is only 1 unique time series matching the hostname criteria and timestamp:
{hostname="clm-HostB", server="web server"}

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

POST  /export?match=<condition>

You can run this API by specifying the API key in the header.

Request URL

Consider the following sample examples to understand possible values for <condition>:

Sample examples
https://<HOST_NAME>/metrics-query-service/api/v1.0/export?match[]={__name__=" total1111"}
Curl sample example
curl -X POST 'https://$<HOST_NAME>/metrics-query-service/api/v1.0/export' -d 'match[]=<TIMESERIES_SELECTOR_QUERY>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>'
Request Header
Authorization: Bearer <Jwt_Token>
Payload Encoding: url-encoded key value format

For instructions on obtaining the JWT token, see Access and authentication for the REST API. Open link

Syntax - Request body
{<label name>=~"<name>"}
Example - Request body

Parameter NameValue TypeMandatoryDescription

<labels name>

#The API will list the labels, values, and timestamps as shown in the following example
"metric": {
"__name__": "teemetric",
VictoriaMetrics_AccountID": "888",
"tag": "dev1",
"tag2": "inst2"
"values": [
"timestamps": [

"metric": {
"__name__": "teemetric1",
VictoriaMetrics_AccountID": "888",
"tag": "dev2",
"tag2": "inst2"
"values": [
"timestamps": [

Response codes:

  • 200 (OK): Successful response
  • 401 (Unauthorized): Unsuccessful response

The response Content-Type is application/stream+json.

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  1. Charles Kelley

    For the metrics api query - /metrics-query-service/api/v1.0/export?match=, it should be documented that the response Content-Type is application/stream+json. Users will likely need to know this, so that the response is properly handed in their scripts (Python/etc).

    Dec 06, 2021 04:44
    1. Mukta Kirloskar

      I have added this. If there are more updates required, we can track them through the internal space. Closing this comment. Thank you.

      Jan 11, 2022 02:14