Troubleshooting cloud consuming

Tracking progress of cloud constructs fetched by Infrastructure Management Central server

If a cloud construct (CI) from BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management fails to appear in Infrastructure Management, note its Reconciliation Id and search for it in the logs file.

  1. Read the prefix of the first line found in the search. It looks as follows:

    Thread {Thread no},{pool name}:{action}:{unique id}
    For e.g.  Thread T-9,CLMDH_POOL:INIT:321521940655
  2. Track this id in log file.
  3. Actioncan be one of the following:
    • INIT – Initialization of cloud publishing.
    • CALL- Callout notification received in cloud publishing.
    • MISS – Missed callout utility which verifies any mismatch between BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management and Infrastructure Management periodically.

No cloud construct is available in Child Server.


Check the configuration of BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management in the CLMAdapter.xml file. Also check if the platform manager server is reachable from the cloud publishing component.

Connection with BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management is established but no cloud construct is available in Infrastructure Management Leaf server.


Check the configuration of Infrastructure Management Central server in the CloudAdapter.xml file.

The configuration of BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management and Infrastructure Management Central server is correct in the properties file, but no cloud construct is available in Infrastructure Management Leaf server.


Check if virtual clusters or virtual hosts are available in Infrastructure Management via PATROL adapter.
Check the token id formed by PATROL adapter in the database and verify that it is that formed by the CLM adapter from the cloud consuming logs. If these are not the same, then verify there is no entry of virtual cluster inside the host file.

Following error appears when trying to start cloud consuming using the pw command

pw CloudTopologyIntegration on -a CLM
Starting CLM Cloud Adapter Error Occured in reading the body for moduleName bppmws mediaTypeString text/html

The following exception is found in the ctaframework.log file:  Exception :org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ReaderException: Error Occured in reading the body for moduleName bppmws mediaTypeString text/html 
at org.jboss.resteasy.client.core.BaseClientResponse.readFrom(
at org.jboss.resteasy.client.core.BaseClientResponse.getEntity(
at org.jboss.resteasy.client.core.BaseClientResponse.getEntity(
  1. Check that the cloud configurations in the CLMAdapter.xml file are correct.
  2. Check whether the platform manager service is running.
  3. check whether the platform manager host is reachable using ping command.
    1. If the host is not reachable, contact your system administrator.
    2. If the platform manager is accessible, check in the host file whether a wrong IP was configured.
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