BMC Impact Model Designer

The BMC Impact Model Designer enables Infrastructure Management users to create and design service impact models. The BMC Impact Model Designer is a plug-in integrated into the BMC Atrium Core Console and is installed when you install the Atrium CMDB Extensions. The BMC Impact Model Designer is leveraged from BMC Atrium Explorer and uses the same user interface as BMC Atrium Explorer. You can use both of these products to create service models. However, the following features are unique to BMC Impact Model Designer and are not present in BMC Atrium Explorer:

  • Creating schedules and timeframes for CIs
  • Editing impact management attributes of CIs by using the GUI

The administrator console, operator console, and TrueSight console are the interfaces through which you can view the service impact models created through the BMC Impact Model Designer and published by the Publishing server.

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Installing BMC Impact Model Designer Open link

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A sandbox is a personal work area for designing and developing a service model. You can make changes to objects and their relationships, and save these changes between work sessions, without affecting the production environment until you are ready to move the changes into the production dataset.

BMC Impact Model Designer users have their own unique, dedicated sandbox, and sandboxes persist between user sessions, allowing you to make multiple edits to the sandbox model until you promote the changes to the production dataset. Each user has one sandbox associated with the user account. Changes to your sandbox do not affect sandboxes of other users if those changes are not promoted.


The production dataset is the reference dataset, or logical partition of data in the BMC Atrium CMDB, shared by service model applications. Objects contained in the production dataset are components, relationships, and management data.

When working with objects in a sandbox, users are making changes to an overlay dataset, a dataset which is related to and masks the production dataset. The overlay dataset provides a view of the underlying production dataset masked by changes made by the user in the overlay dataset.


You move changes that you make in a sandbox (on the overlay dataset) to the production dataset in a controlled process called promotion. When a promotion completes successfully, changes in the sandbox are merged with changes from other users and processes in the BMC Atrium CMDB. As soon as you successfully promote changes to a production dataset, the sandboxes of all other users are updated to reflect the new data.

Promotion and automated publishing process

Promoting and publishing are a sequence, in which you initiate a process to push objects (new or changed) to the BMC Atrium CMDB, followed by the automatic publication process, which sends that data to appropriate cell. When the Publishing Server runs in an automated mode, the promotions in the Impact Model Designer automatically terminates a publication.



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