About home cell and cell alias

The following table describes the parameters that apply to a Direct Publish environment:

 Valid parameters for a Direct Publish environment

Parameter name



Specifies one or more cell aliases to cell name pairs. By default, this parameter is not set.


Specifies to which cell to publish. If HomeCell is set, all Product Short data is published to that cell and CellAliases are not used. By default, this parameter is not set.

You must define either the HomeCell or the CellAliases parameter for a Direct Publish environment.

You can set a default cell by setting CellAlias to null. Then, the components that do not have a value set for the attribute HomeCellAlias are published to that default cell.

You can define values for the parameters HomeCell and CellAliases of Direct Publish environments when you define the environment, or you can modify them later. However, when you modify them, keep track of the cells to which you published data by  using the Direct Publish environment.

Determining the cell to which a component is published

To determine the cell to which a component is published, the Publishing Server uses the following algorithm:

  1. If a HomeCell is defined for the publishing environment, that value is used (regardless of the values of the component's HomeCell or HomeCellAlias slots).
  2. Only cell aliases and cell names defined in the publishing environment's CellAliases parameter are used.
  3. If the component's attribute HomeCell is set, that value is used (regardless the value of the HomeCellAlias slot).
  4. The value of the HomeCellAlias slot is used to look up the HomeCell in the publishing environment's CellAliases.

Determining the cell to which an impact relationship is published

To determine the cell to which an impact relationship is published, the Publishing Server uses the following algorithm:

  1. If HomeCell is defined for the publishing environment, that value is used (regardless of the values of the component's consumer_home_cell or Consumer.HomeCellAlias slots).
  2. Only cell aliases and cell names defined in the publishing environment's CellAliases are used.
  3. If consumer_home_cell is set, that value is used (regardless the value of the Consumer.HomeCellAlias slot).
  4. The value of the Consumer.HomeCellAlias slot is used to look up the consumer_home_cell in the publishing environment's CellAliases.

An impact relationship must go to the cell of its consumer.

About the home cell of the provider

  1. If HomeCell is defined for the publishing environment, that value is used (regardless of the values of the component's provider_home_cell or Provider.HomeCellAlias slots)
  2. Only cell aliases and cell names defined in the publishing environment's CellAliases are used.
  3. If provider_home_cell slot is set, that value is used (regardless of the value of the Provider.HomeCellAlias slot).
  4. The value of the Provider.HomeCellAlias slot is used to look up the provider_home_cell in the publishing environment's CellAliases.

In a Direct Publish environment, status is not propagated when the value for provider_home_cell for a remote provider is incorrect.

Relationships that cross cells

When a relationship crosses cells (the provider and consumer components belong to different cells), you must set the provider_classname slot for successful creation of a relationship.

Determining the cells to which management data is published

  1. If HomeCell is defined for the publishing environment, then management data is sent to HomeCell.
  2. Management data is sent to all cells defined in the CellAliases of the publishing environment.
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