Migrating data

This topic describes how to migrate your BMC Middleware Management  for WebSphere MQ (formerly AppWatch) data, and includes the following:

  • Migrating an environment from a BMC Middleware Management  for WebSphere MQ installation.
  • Setting migration parameters
  • Migrating SSL certificates

Migrating an environment from a BMC Middleware Management for WebSphere MQ (formerly AppWatch) installation

After installation is complete, you can migrate an environment from a BMC Middleware Management  for WebSphere MQ installation. This process converts configuration data for the following to the TrueSight Middleware Administrator equivalent:

  • Connections
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Administrators
  • Filters
  • Event Rules
  • Projects

To convert this data to the TrueSight Middleware Administrator equivalent

  1. Start the TrueSight Middleware Administrator service and install your product key.
  2. Gather BMC Middleware Management  for WebSphere MQ configuration files (located in the (<BMC Middleware Management  for WebSphere MQ install)>/cgi-bin/mqstatus) and place them in the (<TrueSight Middleware Administrator: install>/migrate folder.
    • plist.xml: Contains project, queue manager, user, groups and filter definitions.
    • prule.xml: Contains event rule definitions.
    • htusers: Contains username and password data.
  3. Run the migration script from the TrueSight Middleware Administrator install/bin directory. It will be named either migrate.bat or migrate, depending on the platform.
  4. Respond to all prompts. A summary of the migration data is then displayed.


In TrueSight Middleware Administrator, we use indexing of middleware objects so users can collect search data. During migration you are asked questions about enabling indexing. You must enable indexing to use the Search feature.

Additionally, you must set a product indexing interval. You choose between once per day or every n hours. Your choice depends on how often objects are added to the middleware management environment and how often you use the Search feature.

Setting migration parameters

To set the migration parameters

  1. In the command prompt on the machine your TrueSight Middleware Administrator is installed, change your directory to <installdir>/bin. Type in the command migrate.
  2. Enter an administrative userid and password.
  3. Verify the default port is correct by typing Y. If N then specify the port being used.
  4. Indexing polls connections periodically to collect search data related to middleware objects. At this point, you set Enable Indexing for migrated connections? (Y/N): Y.

    Index once per day (D) or every n hours (H)? (D/H): D
    Enter hour (Midnight = 0, Noon = 12) for daily indexing (0-23): 5

    Index once per day (D) or every n hours (H)? (D/H): H
    Enter # of hours between indexing action: 3
  5. Wait as the process continues. Note the following messages:

    Parsing Legacy configuration files...
    (Warning) User 'admin' already exists, and will not be migrated.
    (Warning) User 'Everyone' has no password stored in htusers file. The user will be created with a disabled account.
    ... Legacy configuration files successfully parsed. 1 projects 12 connections 7 users 4 groups 1 administrators 4 filters 23 event rules
  6. Verify the number of objects to be migrated and type Y. The migration process begins. Alternately, select N to cancel the migration process.


If you proceed with migration, results are displayed on screen for every object created. A summary is also displayed at the conclusion of the migration process.

Migrating SSL certificates

If your BMC Middleware Management  for WebSphere MQ installation utilized SSL-enabled queue manager connections, you may migrate any existing certificates for those queue managers into the TrueSight Middleware Administrator environment. Accomplish this by importing certificates into the <BMM admin install>/security/truststore.jks file.

You can import an entire keystore containing multiple certificates or import certificates individually. There are many ways to accomplish this. Covering them all is beyond the scope of this document.


You may also need to import the client certificate used with BMC Middleware Management  for WebSphere MQ to keystore.jks.

The examples that follow use keytool (included within the TrueSight Middleware Administrator JRE distribution) and the IBM Key Management tool, which is installed with IBM WebSphere MQ. 


The next steps assume that you are working in Windows and that the current working directory is <BMMAdmin install>\security.

The default password for a store or certificate is bmcsoftware.

To import a key store/database

This task requires a copy of the existing key database in JKS format. Assuming the source is in CMS format, convert the format by opening the file (by default called key.kdb) in the IBM Key Management tool. You can then save it, choosing 'JKS' as your new 'Key Database Type'.

Once you have a JKS store containing the certificates you need to import, use keytool's 'importkeystore' option to place all existing certificates in the truststore.jks file.

The following sample command assumes that your existing key database is named key.jks.

$ ../jre/windows-x86-32/jre6/bin/keytool.exe -importkeystore -srckeystore key.jks -srcstoretype jks -destkeystore truststore.jks 
Enter destination keystore password: 
Enter source keystore password: 
Entry for alias ibmwebspheremqrrm.stark.ned01 successfully imported. 
Entry for alias ibmwebspheremqrrm.stark.jon01 successfully imported. 
Import command completed: 2 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled

To import a certificate

If you wish to import a single certificate, you can use keytool's 'importcert' option. The following sample command assumes your certificate file is in .arm format.

$ ../jre/windows-x86-32/jre6/bin/keytool.exe -importcert -file rrm.stark.jon01.arm -keypass bmcsoftware -keystore truststore.jks -storepass bmcsoftware 
Owner: CN=machine.company.com 
Issuer: CN=machine.company.com 
Serial number: 4f0714b6 
Valid from: Fri Jan 06 09:35:18 CST 2012 until: Sat Jan 05 09:35:18 CST 2013 
Certificate fingerprints: 
MD5: 34:DE:1B:B2:4F:8D:9F:7D:00:37:40:23:DB:94:D5:52 
SHA1: 33:BD:0E:2E:C4:86:D6:C2:0F:94:0E:0D:B0:8F:C1:48:5D:2A:DA:76 
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA 
Version: 3 
Trust this certificate? [no]: yes 
Certificate was added to keystore


When changes are made to the truststore.jks file, restart the TrueSight Middleware Administrator services for changes to take effect. See also Using an SSL Configured WMQ Connection for further information.
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