

This documentation supports the 20.15.01 version of BMC Remedyforce.

To view the latest version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Product announcements

This topic presents announcements that might affect future releases of the product.


While every effort is made to provide accurate, forward-looking guidance on product direction to assist you with your buying and planning decisions, BMC cannot guarantee that intentions stated as follows are final and binding. 

Statement of direction: End of support for the old Visualforce UI

As of December 31, 2014, BMC will no longer fix defects in the interface that was used before the adoption of the Salesforce platform environment and the Remedyforce Console.

When BMC Remedyforce was first released, the interface was built to use pure Visualforce code. This interface was sometimes referred to as "old Visualforce" or "the blue pages." For the last year, BMC has not supported adding new functionality to the original user interface. However, BMC continued to fix any defects found in that interface. For uninterrupted access to BMC Remedyforce, ensure that you move your staff to the new Remedyforce Console by December 31,2014. If you have any questions, contact BMC Support or your Customer Success Manager.

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