Monitor types and attributes

The PATROL for Oracle Cloud Monitoring contains the following monitor types that are segregated based on the components:

Terminology note

Monitor types in the TrueSight console, BMC Helix Operations Management, are known as application classes in the PATROL console.

Service NameMonitor TypesDescription

Top-level containers and configuration

Used to set up and configure the PATROL for Oracle Cloud Monitoring product.

The Object Storage service metrics help you measure the amount of storage you're using. You can also use these metrics to monitor the count of objects in the bucket and the size of the bucket.


File Storage service metrics help you measure operations and throughput related to file systems and mount targets.


Measures operations and throughput related to mount targets. The available metrics help you determine how much data is flowing through its associated mount target, and if operations are producing unexpected errors.


The compute instance metrics help you measure activity level and throughput of compute instances.

Kubernetes (OCI_OKE_CNTR)

You can monitor the health, capacity, and performance of Kubernetes clusters. Container Engine for Kubernetes metrics help you monitor Kubernetes clusters, along with node pools and individual worker nodes. You can use metrics data to diagnose and troubleshoot cluster and node pool issues.

Block Volumes (OCI_VOLUME_CNTR)

You can monitor the performance and replication status for your Block Volume. Help you measure volume operations and throughput related to compute instances.

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