Using variables while installing the meter

All meter installer packages and scripts can modify their default behavior by setting various environment variables. These settings work the same way, whether you install the meter package using a native package manager such as rpm, apt, yum, zypper, pkg_add, msiexec, or use the script.

  • INSTALLTOKEN: use to allow the installer to automatically provision itself. The meter will additionally save a copy of the token in a private config file that can be used later for interacting with other TrueSight services.
  • PROVISIONHOSTNAME: allows the user to provision the host with a different name than the default host name. Useful for distinguishing several machines with the same name.
  • PROVISIONTAGS: allows the user to tag meters directly as part of the installation process, ex PROVISIONTAGS=webserver,internal,intelligence
  • PROVISIONDOMAIN: if not set, defaults to, specify another value to provision in a private SaaS environment
  • PROVISIONFEATURES: if not set, defaults to 'flow_metrics', specify a comma-separated list of the words 'server_metrics', 'flow_metrics' to specify particular features to enable with this meter.
  • TLSSKIPVALIDATION: enable debugging SSL connectivity in a test environment
  • COLLECTORPORT: override the default collector ports of 4740 and 443. You can either specify a single port, or a set of comma separated ports to try, e.g. COLLECTORPORT=4740,443
  • DISABLENTP: disables the built-in NTP client. In meters 2.0.x and earlier, the NTP client is enabled by default. In meters 3.0.0 and later, the NTP client is disabled in favor of in-band time synchronization, so this option has no effect. (2.0.3 and later)
  • ENABLESTUN: enables the built-in STUN client support. If this is enabled, the meter will use the STUN protocol to discover public IP addresses for each internal interface with a private address. (2.0.3 and later)
  • HTTPS_PROXY: Specify a HTTPS-capable proxy to use when accessing the APIs to provision the meter. This supports the same syntax as the CURL utility, e.g. HTTPS_PROXY=proxy-server:8888 (3.0.0 and later)
  • METERPRODUCTDIR: (windows only) use when an alternative installation directory is required.  This replaces the traditional msiexec INSTALLDIR.

Examples with various package installation methods

     PROVISIONTAGS=server,blue \
     HTTPS_PROXY=localproxy:8888 \
     ./ -i api.0123456789-0123


     PROVISIONTAGS=server,blue \
     HTTPS_PROXY=localproxy:8888 \
     INSTALLTOKEN=api.0123456789-0123 \
     rpm -i truesight-meter-*.rpm


     PROVISIONTAGS=server,blue \
     HTTPS_PROXY=localproxy:8888 \
     INSTALLTOKEN=api.0123456789-0123 \
     dpkg -i truesight-meter-*.dpkg

Windows (Silent Install)

msiexec /l*v truesight-meter.log /qn /i truesight-meter-current.msi INSTALLTOKEN=api.0123456789-0123 PROVISIONHOSTNAME=host PROVISIONTAGS=server,blue HTTPS_PROXY=localproxy:8888 ENABLESTUN=1
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