Redis plugin

This plugin collects performance statistics from a Redis instance using the Redis API.


Meter version 4.2 or later must be installed.

The Redis plugin version 2.6 or later supports the following Operating Systems.


To install the plugin

  1. From the top right of the screen, perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Settings > Data Collection, select the TrueSight meter, and select the Sources tab.

    • Click Settings > Configure Sources.
  2. Use the search box or scroll through the page to find the source system which has the TrueSight meter on which you want to install the plugin.
  3. Click the name of the source to view source details.
  4. Select the Plugins tab.
  5. Use the search box or scroll through the page to find the plugin you want to install.
  6. Click + Install to start the installation.

    Refer to the following sections for the configuration details required to collect data and view the list of plugin metrics.

Configuration details

Field NameDescription
HostThe redis hostname.
PortThe redis port.
PasswordPassword to the redis server.
PollIntervalInterval (in milliseconds) to query the redis server.
SourceThe source to display in the legend for the REDIS data.

Advanced configuration

To customize this plugin, see Redis plugin on GitHub.

Plugin metrics

Metric NameDescription
Redis Connected ClientsNumber of client connections (excluding connections from slaves)
Redis Key HitsNumber of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary
Redis Key MissesNumber of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary
Redis Keys ExpiredTotal number of key expiration events
Redis Key EvictionsNumber of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit
Redis Connections ReceivedTotal number of connections accepted by the server
Redis Commands ProcessedTotal number of commands processed by the server
Redis Used MemoryPercentage of server memory used for the Redis instance
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