Creating custom fields for your application

Create custom fields to collect additional end-user experience data such as cookies, local storage and session storage that are stored in the browser. You can also collect data such as request/response headers and payload. While the type of stored application data is the same across multiple applications, the keys and values might differ across applications. For example, two applications might use cookies with different names or use the browser's local storage differently. Based on the application’s usage, you can configure additional data to be retrieved.

To create a custom field


To successfully create and configure collection of custom fields, you must be familiar with the parameters collected by your application.

  1. From the Settings menu, select End User Experience.
  2. Select an application.
    If you have not created an application, see Collecting end-user experience data from applications.

  3. Select the Custom Fields tab.

  4. Click + Create to create a new custom field mapping. If a custom field already exists, click  to edit it.

  5. From the Custom Field section, select the Type of Custom Field.

    Custom fieldTypeDescription


    PageContains data such as session tokens and arrays used for making authorization decisions.

    Authentication cookies tagged with the HttpOnly flag cannot be accessed by the JavaScript.

    Query ParamPage, AjaxPart of a uniform resource locator (URL) containing data used to sort or filter custom resource.
    Session StoragePageData stored in the user's web browser for the current session.
    Local StoragePageLarger storage of application data in the user's web browser.
    Response HeaderAjaxInformation that a server sends back to a client's browser in response to the HTTP request.
    Request HeaderAjaxRequest that the client's browser sends to the server.
    The default browser entries in the Request Header cannot be accessed by the JavaScript.
    Request PayloadAjaxData sent as part of the HTTP request.
    Response PayloadAjaxData sent by the server in response to the request payload.
  6. Depending on the Type Custom Field, specify the Key and/or specify the Capture Options (applicable to storage and payload fields).
    • Capture ALL - Collect the entire JSON for the storage or payload fields.
    • Use JSON Path - Specify the path if the storage or payload fields use JSON
      For example, if the payload value is {"user": {"name": "John", "id": 12}, company:"John's Company"}
      • Specify .company to collect the company field (John's Company).
      • Specify to collect the user ID field (12).

Where to go from here

Use the system default view for analyzing end-user experience with your configured applications.

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