Creating application source rules

Your web application includes pages, Ajax requests, single page application (SPA) virtual pages, or a combination of these sources.

Use Source rules to group URLs used by your application, in order to monitor specific end user transactions. Source rules are created automatically based on your application traffic. You can either select to use them to group your sources, or create your own prioritized list of application source rules by defining patterns in URL paths, fragments, query strings, or a combination.

Sections of the URL are displayed in the following diagram and described below.

Click to see an enlarged image.

Use the following sections of a URL to determine patterns for source rules:

  • The path is the location to the resource. For example, the path can include the directory (science/reviewers) name, and a file name, if applicable.
  • The query is usually a dynamically generated string, represented by a question mark and one or more key-value parameters (?name=HistoryOfFluxCapacitors).
  • The fragment is an internal reference on the web page, represented by a hash mark and an identifying string (#/top/english). Fragments are commonly used in single-page applications.

To automatically create application source rules

Events are always generated for automatic rules. Use this option to determine if the incoming URLs will be evaluated and associated to the source groups.

Select Automatic to send events for auto-generated rules to TrueSight Intelligence.

If two identical URL patterns are present in automatic and manual rues, the manual rules is given priority, which means the URLs will be associated to the source name set in the manual rule.

To manually create application source rules

  1. From the Settings menu, select End User Experience.

  2. Select an application.
    If you have not created an application, see Collecting end-user experience data from applications.

  3. Select the URL Clustering tab.


    If manual rules have already been configured for the selected application, you will see a list of the rules, ordered by priority. Drag and drop entries in the table to arrange the rules in your preferred order.

  4. Click + Create Rule to create a new rule. If a rule already exists, click the rule to edit it. Enter a pattern to match one or more of the following fields.

    FieldValid charactersExamples
    NameAlphanumeric Latin characters and . _ \ - / % @ spaceTest_Rule

    Alphanumeric Latin characters and . _ \ - ~ ! $ & ' ( ) + , ; = : @


    Alphanumeric Latin characters and . _ \ - ~ ! $ & ' ( ) + , ; = : @


    Query string

    Alphanumeric Latin characters and . _ \ - ~ ! $ & ' ( ) + , ; = : @ ] +



  5. Click Save to add the source rule.

  6. (Optional) Click Test a URL, and enter a URL in the simulator to see the source name, rule number and rule type that matches with the URL.


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