Locating log files on UNIX computers

When the installation utility finishes installing products or creating an installable image, a page is displayed in the installation utility that shows a status message indicating the success or failure of the process. This page also contains a link, View Log, to the concatenated log file and displays the log file's location and name. The log file's name is determined at run time and contains the name of the computer on which the installation utility was run and an incremental time stamp. 

All log files are deleted after the installation is complete except for the concatenated log file unless:

  • when you started the installation utility, you used either the -trace or the -createcontrolfile command line option
  • the installation failed with an out-of-space error

The installation utility stores the log files in a subdirectory in the $HOME/BMCINSTALL directory. A subdirectory is created for each installation session and has the following naming convention: computername-PID-timestamp.

The following table provides the information log files that are created by the installation utility:

Log file
Concatenated logContains information from all other log files created during a product installation.
User logLists error messages about fatal errors that caused an installation to fail. The information in this log file is the first section in the concatenated log file.
Product logLists nonfatal error messages and post-installation information messages, such as whether a reboot is required after the installation is complete. The information in this log file is the second section in the concatenated log file.
Standard output logLists messages that are usually sent to standard output. The information in this log file is the third section in the concatenated log file.
Comprehensive or main logLists all actions performed by the installation utility during a product installation such as the products that were installed or added to an image, files that were copied or removed, registry entries made, and any version checking that was performed. The information in this log file is the fourth section in the concatenated log file.
Front end trace log

Shows detailed information about activities in the installation utility interface during installation. This file is created if you launch the installation utility from a command line and use the -trace command line option. The information in this log file is the fifth section in the concatenated log file. For more details on using the -trace command line option, see  Command line options.

Root script logLists the root scripts that should be run during an installation session and each script's arguments. If root scripts fail to run during a product installation, you can use this log file to determine what scripts you will need to run manually after the installation is complete.

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