This documentation supports an earlier version of BMC Helix Operations Management.

To view the documentation for the latest version, select 23.2 from the Product version picker.

Managing policies, event data, and metric data with REST APIs


The API base URL consists of: <Scheme>://<Your BMC Helix Portal URL>/<BasePath>/<EndpointPath>

The following example displays the URL components:

  • Method: Required HTTPS method (also known as operation or verb) which tells the web service about the type of operation you are requesting. The supported endpoints use GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods.
  • Scheme: Protocol used by the API to transmit a request. HTTPS is the supported protocol for all the endpoints.
  • Your BMC Helix Portal URL: Product URL that you received in the activation email.
  • Base path: URL prefix used by all the API paths. Starts with a leading slash (/). The base path helps the web service identify the correct resource for running the API. This path also includes the API version. 
  • Endpoint path: Path specific to the particular endpoint you want to run. Based on the type of endpoint, this path might include query parameters that can help identify the resource selection criteria.

Supported HTTP status codes

When responding to requests, the REST API uses some of the standard HTTP status codes. The following table provides a summary of the status codes that are returned.

Status codeValueDescription
200OKThe operation is successful.
400Bad requestThe request is invalid.
404Not foundThis status code is used when a resource does not exist.
401Unauthorized accessThe authentication failed for the user.
403ForbiddenThe user is not allowed to perform the operation.
500Application server errorAn error has occurred on the server.
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