Configuring the System details template

The System details template enables you to display details of a selected system in a custom view in the Views tab. You can configure summary information, configuration details, and the contained elements in that view.

This is a drill-down type of template, that is, you can add links to detailed information related to that view that take you to other views or view pages.

To configure a view using the System details template

The following video (4:12) illustrates the process of using the System details template in a custom view.


This video describes the functionality of TrueSight Capacity Optimization, but it is valid for BMC Helix Continuous Optimization too.

  1. Open the view page with the System details template:

  2. In the view page, specify the following information:

    • Title: Type the title for the view.
    • Show contained elements count: Enable or disable display of the number of contained elements. 
    • Show tags : Enable or disable the display of tags, if available, for the system .

    • Show recommendations: Enable or disable recommendations. When you enable it, links to a set of recommended actions are displayed, that can help you resolve capacity-related problems in your environment. For more information, see Adding recommendations to the System details template. 

    • To display information related to a single system, use the system filters:

      1. Display system type: Select the type of system to display in the view. You can select one or more similar system types from the list. For example, Virtual Machine - AIX LPAR, Virtual Machine - AIX Shared Processor LPAR and Virtual Machine - AIX VIO LPAR.
        (Optional) As an administrator, you can configure the default system to display in the view. Click the action menu   next to No Default System Selected and click Select Default System. In the Select Default System  dialog box, a list of systems corresponding to the selected system type, are displayed. If the list is long, you can also type a string in the Search field and click Search. A list of names containing the search string is displayed and you can select the system you require. Click Apply. The capacity view user can view the configured default system next to the system type field on the view and can change the system using the Select System option.
        Select Apply Lock if you do not want the capacity view user to change the default system.

      2. Label: Type a label for the system type filter. By default, the name of the system filter is selected as the label.

      3. (Optional) Filters: To add more filters, click (Change). You can add up to two additional filters to aid in the selection of the system.

        For example, if you do not know the exact system whose data you want to display, you can add additional filters to restrict the number of systems to choose from.

        To illustrate, If you select VMware Virtual Machine as the base system type filter, you can select VMware Virtual Host and VMware Virtual Cluster as the additional filters that you can use to restrict the number of VMware Virtual Machine systems to choose from.

        In the edit box that appears at the bottom, perform the following steps:

        1. (Optional): Subresource: Enable the subresource filter for the selected system types. A Label field for the subresource is enabled and System type filter 2 field is disabled. In the Label field, type the required filter label to be displayed in the view. If multiple systems are selected in the Display system type, this filter can be used only if the systems are of similar type. This filter enables the Capacity Planner to filter the storage and network interface details according to the available subresources (BY metrics).

        2. (Optional): Select the system type from the System type filter 1 list. If you have selected more than one system in the Display system type, you can select the common parent system type for the selected systems. For example, if you have selected the Display system type as Virtual Machine - AIX LPAR, Virtual Machine - AIX Shared Processor LPAR and Virtual Machine - AIX VIO LPAR, you can select Virtual Host - AIX PowerVM in the System type filter 1 list.

        3. (Optional): Label: The field is populated with the filter name you select. You can type a different label.

          Similarly, select System type filter 2, if required.

          For more information, see Filtering data displayed in Views.

      4. (Optional) To add custom text, click Add custom text. To update an existing custom text, click Change in the custom text panel. You can add descriptions, instructions, links, or any other textual information for the users of the view page. Use markdown tags to format the content of custom text and to add images, links, and tables. For example, add a description such as “Displays performance metrics for Payroll application”, or a label such as "NY Datacenter - Capacity Metrics".

        • Title: Type the required title for the custom text.

        • Always expand custom text: Select to display the custom text as expanded or collapsed.
        • Editor: Type the required content and format it by using markdown tags such as * to create an unordered list and # to increase the font size. A preview of the formatted content is displayed in the Preview section.
        • Insert image: Enable you to add an image. The selected image is displayed in the Preview section. 

        The following image illustrates the preview of the commonly-used standard markdown language tags. 

        For more information about markdown tags, see  Showdown's Markdown syntax Open link .

      5. Click Apply. The additional filters appear under Filters (Change) in the top edit area of the view. 

        To delete filters, click X on the filters.

    • Related information: Displays the drill-down links, like Host Details and so on, if available, for the view. For example, from a system details view of a cluster, you can link to the table of hosts of that cluster.

      To add links, click + Add link.

      1. In the Link Label box, type a name for the link.
      2. From the Target page list, select the page you want to link to.
        You can add multiple links.
      3. After you are done adding links, click Apply to go back to the previous edit screen.
  3. Click Save, or to continue to edit the Summary tab.

Configuring the Summary tab

  1. To configure the summary horizontal table, click the Summary tab.

  2.  To configure the summary table, clickin the Metric section. The Summary tab is enabled by default. Configure the following properties for the summary table:

    1. Layout: Choose the layout for the summary horizontal table from the following layout options:
      • Compact: Each column in the table is automatically condensed to the size of the content, and does not occupy the entire available horizontal space. This is the default layout.
        If you resize the view page, the columns in the table may get split in more than one row, with some columns overflowing to the next row.
      • Full row: All the columns in the table are of equal width and occupy the entire available horizontal space. 
        If you resize the view page, the columns in the table are resized as well, and continue to be in a single row. If the column name does not fit the resized column width, it is partially hidden.
        If a column displays a bar renderer, and you resize the view page, the bar renderer continues to be completely displayed, with the other columns being resized. 
    2. Data mart: Select an existing data mart from the list to show data on the page. In addition you can add a new data mart according to your requirements. For more details, see Creating a SQL-based data mart for a custom view.

    3. (Optional) To add custom text, click Add custom text. To update an existing custom text, click Change in the custom text panel. You can add descriptions, instructions, links, or any other textual information for the users of the view page. Use markdown tags to format the content of custom text and to add images, links, and tables. For example, add a description such as “Displays performance metrics for Payroll application”, or a label such as "NY Datacenter - Capacity Metrics".

      • Title: Type the required title for the custom text.

      • Always expand custom text: Select to display the custom text as expanded or collapsed.
      • Editor: Type the required content and format it by using markdown tags such as * to create an unordered list and # to increase the font size. A preview of the formatted content is displayed in the Preview section.
      • Insert image: Enable you to add an image. The selected image is displayed in the Preview section. 

      The following image illustrates the preview of the commonly-used standard markdown language tags. 

      For more information about markdown tags, see  Showdown's Markdown syntax Open link .

    4. Columns: Click +Add column to add columns to the table. Select the indicator for each column, from the column list.

      You can add columns only after you select a data mart.

      You can also delete a column by clicking X at the top-right of that column.

    5. After you add a column, click the (Edit parameters) link to configure it further, by selecting the Renderer to display the column value. You can select any one from the following renderers: Alert,  Bar, Custom mapping, Days to Saturation, Link, Multibar, Number, Text, Trend. For more information about renderers, see Renderer options in custom views.

  3. After you complete editing parameters for that column, click Done to return to the previous edit screen.
    You can continue to edit parameters for other columns.
  4. Click Apply. The changes are updated dynamically in the view, and you continue to be in the edit mode.

    When you click Apply, a live preview of your configuration is displayed, without saving the changes. This live update helps you to review your changes, and if required, quickly make further changes as you continue to be in the edit mode.

  5. To edit charts, clickat the top-right in the Chart section. Enter the following details before you configure each chart:
    1. Title: Displays the title according to the selected chart template. You can change the title. You can also change the chart labels by clicking the Change chart labels link. Type a subtitle, X axis title, Left Y axis title, Right Y axis title, and legend for chart.
    2. Display time filter: Enable the display of time filter to filter chart data based for a specific time period. For example, Yesterday, Last 7 days or Last 30 days. The default time period is Last 30 days.
  6. Configure the following properties for individual charts:
    1. Enable the display of the chart.
      By default, the display of only one chart is enabled. If you disable the display of the chart, it is not displayed in the Summary page. 
    2. Template: Select a template from the list, based on which to render the chart. The following templates are available.

      • Area Chart
      • Bar Chart 
      • Line Chart
      • Pie Chart
      • Stacked Area Chart
      • Stacked Bar  Chart
      • Top 10 Workloads by <metricName>
      • <custom  analysis  templates that you have created in BMC Helix Continuous Optimization>

        Only custom templates created using the Performance vs Time analysis type are displayed in this list. For information about the types of charts, see Analysis chart types.

      You can also add custom templates that you create in the BMC Helix Continuous Optimization.


      The following functions from the analysis chart types are not supported in the charts in the Views tab:

      • Trendlines
      • Right axis on line charts
      • Calendar charts
      • Other minor customization options (Format of ticks, Format of dates, Label rotation, Format of chart grid, Logarithmic axes, Palette, Dashed lines)
    3. Metrics: Click Add to add the metrics to display in the chart. To add a metric, click + Add. To edit existing links, click Change
      You can add multiple metrics. 
      • Perform the following to add or change the metrics:
        1. In the System type panel, select the system type from which to select the metrics. Select from the following options: All System typesSpecified type or Workload.

          • If you selected a system type from the Display system type list in step 2, that system type is also displayed and selected by default.
          • The Workload system type option is available only if you select Top 10 Workloads by <metricNameas the template in the previous step.
        2. If you select Workload or Specified Type, select a system, or systems, from the list.

        3. In the Metrics panel, depending on the system type you select, the Metrics panel lists the available metrics for that system type, to choose from. 

          The metrics are grouped by category, for example, CPUDiskFormulasMemoryBYFileSystem and so on. Click the category name to expand the category and select the metrics. You can also search for a metric . If you have enabled the subresource filter, select a BY metric from the list of available metrics.

          The selected metrics are listed in the Selected Metrics panel.

        4. Click Done to go back to the previous edit screen.

      • To customize the metric statistics or display on the right Y axis, click the corresponding Customize link. In the Customize Metric <metricNamescreen that opens, specify the following options:

        • You can choose to select a different statistics for this metric. Selecting the default value retains the original statistics. 
        • Select Show Value to show the metric values on the chart. 
        • Select Show on Right Y Axis to show this metric value on the right Y axis. Selecting this option for any of the metrics in the chart displays two Y axes, one on the left and other on the right side of the chart. This feature can be useful for viewing a chart configured with metrics of different units. 

  7. Related Information : You can add links to information that is associated with the charts. For example, from a system details view of a cluster, you can link to the CPU profile or Memory profile of that cluster, which can be tabs in the Data Explorer view of the same cluster.

    1. To add a link, click + Add link. To edit existing links, click Change

    2. In the Link Label box, type a name for the link.
    3. From the Target page list, select the page you want to link to. You can also link to any tab in a Data Explorer custom view.
      The sysid and the tab id information is stored in the the URL and you can bookmark the page in the browser for later use. Even If you change the name of the tab, the bookmark works correctly, since the URL contains the unique ID of the tab, and not the tab name.
      You can add multiple links.
    4. Click Done to go back to the previous edit screen.
  8. Click Apply. The changes are updated dynamically in the view, and you continue to be in the edit mode.
  9. Click Save or to continue to edit the Configuration Details tab.

Configuring the Configuration Details tab

  1. In the Configuration Details tab, click in the Group section.
  2. In the edit box at the bottom, you can add, edit or delete a metric group as follows:
    1. To add a metric group, click + Add Group. In the Name box, type a name for the metric group.
    2. To add metrics to that group, click + Add, or to edit existing links, click Change. 
      You can add multiple metrics. 
    3. In the  System type  panel, select the system type from which to select the metrics. Select from the following options:  All System types Specified type  or  Workload .

      • If you selected a system type from the Display system type list in step 2, that system type is also displayed and selected by default.

      • The Workload system type option is available only if you select Top 10 Workloads by <metricName> as the template in the previous step.

    4. If you select Workload or Specified type, select a system, or systems, from the list.

    5. In the Metrics  panel, depending on the system type you select, the  Metrics  panel lists the available metrics for that system type, to choose from. 

      The metrics are grouped by category, for example,  CPU Disk Formulas Memory BYFileSystem  and so on. Click the category name to expand the category and select the metrics. 

      The selected metrics are listed in the  Selected metrics  panel.

    6. Click Done to go back to the previous edit screen.

  3. (Optional) To add custom text, click Add custom text. To update an existing custom text, click Change in the custom text panel. You can add descriptions, instructions, links, or any other textual information for the users of the view page. Use markdown tags to format the content of custom text and to add images, links, and tables. For example, add a description such as “Displays performance metrics for Payroll application”, or a label such as "NY Datacenter - Capacity Metrics".

    • Title: Type the required title for the custom text.

    • Always expand custom text: Select to display the custom text as expanded or collapsed.
    • Editor: Type the required content and format it by using markdown tags such as * to create an unordered list and # to increase the font size. A preview of the formatted content is displayed in the Preview section.
    • Insert image: Enable you to add an image. The selected image is displayed in the Preview section. 

    The following image illustrates the preview of the commonly-used standard markdown language tags. 

    For more information about markdown tags, see  Showdown's Markdown syntax Open link .

  4. Click Apply. The changes are updated dynamically in the view, and you continue to be in the edit mode.
  5. Click Save, or to continue to configure the Related  Elements tabs.

Configuring the Related Elements tabs

There are two Related elements tabs, Related elements 1 and Related elements 2 that are available for configuration. The first tab, Related elements 1 is enabled by default.

  1. Click the Related Elements 1 tab. By default, the tab is enabled. To configure Related Elements 2 tab, you must first enable it.

  2. Tab label: Type a label for the tab.

  3. To configure the table, click in the table section. In the edit box at the bottom, the following properties are available to edit:

    1. Information to display: Choose the type of information to display in the table. You can choose either Configuration Metric Changes or Data mart.
    2. If you select Configuration metric changes, you can select which metrics you want to display for the entity and for the parent. In the metric selection area, first add metrics for the entity:

      1. Under Metrics, click + Add.
      2. In the  System type  panel, select the system type from which to select the metrics. Select from the following options:  All System types Specified type  or  Workload .

        • If you have selected a system type from the Display system type list in step 2, that system type is also displayed and selected by default.
        • The Workload system type option is available only if you select Top 10 Workloads by <metricName> as the template for charts.
      3. If you select Workload or Specified type, select a system, or systems, from the list.

      4. In the Metrics  panel, depending on the system type you select, the  Metrics  panel lists the available metrics for that system type, to choose from. 

        The metrics are grouped by category, for example,  CPUDiskFormulas, Memory, BYFileSystem  and so on. Click the category name to expand the category and select the metrics. 

        The selected metrics are listed in the  Selected metrics  panel.

      5. Click Done to go back to the previous edit screen.

      6. If you want to display metrics for the parent system, click Display metrics from parent system to enable the display.
      7. Select the system type from the System type list for the parent system.
      8. Under Parent metrics, click + Add and follow the same process as you did to add the entity metrics.

        • If you have selected a system type from the Display system type list in step 2, that system type is also displayed and selected by default.
        • The Workload system type option is available only if you select Top 10 Workloads by <metricName> as the template for charts.
    3. If you select Data mart, complete the following steps:
      1. Select a data mart from the list. You must select a data mart to show data on the page.
      2. Columns: Add columns to the table and select the corresponding metric for each column. By default, four columns are displayed. 
        To add more columns, click + Add column. To delete a column click X at the top-right of that column.

      3. Select a value for each column, from the list.

      4. After you select values for the column, click on the (Edit parameters) link to configure it further,  by selecting the Renderer to display the column value.  

        Depending on the renderer you select, you can add corresponding items in each column. For more information on renderers, see Using renderers for summary tables in custom views .

      5. After you complete editing parameters for that column, click Done to return to the previous edit screen.

        You can continue to edit parameters for other columns.

      6. After you complete editing parameters for all columns, click Done to return to the previous edit screen.

        You can continue to edit parameters for other columns.

  4. (Optional) To add custom text, click Add custom text. To update an existing custom text, click Change in the custom text panel. You can add descriptions, instructions, links, or any other textual information for the users of the view page. Use markdown tags to format the content of custom text and to add images, links, and tables. For example, add a description such as “Displays performance metrics for Payroll application”, or a label such as "NY Datacenter - Capacity Metrics".

    • Title: Type the required title for the custom text.

    • Always expand custom text: Select to display the custom text as expanded or collapsed.
    • Editor: Type the required content and format it by using markdown tags such as * to create an unordered list and # to increase the font size. A preview of the formatted content is displayed in the Preview section.
    • Insert image: Enable you to add an image. The selected image is displayed in the Preview section. 

    The following image illustrates the preview of the commonly-used standard markdown language tags. 

    For more information about markdown tags, see  Showdown's Markdown syntax Open link .

  5. Click Apply. The changes are updated dynamically in the view, and you continue to be in the edit mode.
  6. Click Save. The custom view page is saved and is displayed with the new configuration. 

Example of a view page with the System details template

Video example: Include an analysis template in a custom view by using the System details template

The following video (3:30) illustrates the process of including an analysis template in a custom view.


This video describes the functionality of TrueSight Capacity Optimization, but it is valid for BMC Helix Continuous Optimization too.

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