This documentation supports releases of BMC Helix Continuous Optimization up to December 31, 2021. To view the latest version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Volumes Mapping Table page in the Hosts view

The Volumes Mapping Table page in the Hosts view enables you to control which host has access to which volume.

To access the page, in the Helix Continuous Optimization Dashboard, click Capacity > Storage > Hosts, and in the Hosts view page, click the Volumes Mapping Table tab.

Metrics per host are displayed in a tabular format. 

By default, some columns are hidden. You can show or hide columns using the action menuthat is located next to the table title.

Related topics

Each row in the table represents a host and displays the following metrics, which are used to compute the metrics available in the Hosts, Hosts to Systems, Hosts to Pools, and Hosts to Volumes pages.

Host-related metrics are not available when the option Disabled and Collected for metric computation (Default) are selected in the ETL additional settings. Refer to Customizing Volumes and Shares Monitoring for more information.





Name of the host. Depending on the information available, the value will either be the entity name, the collected host name or the collected WWN or IQN. For more information, see Displaying the entity name in the Host column.

Not applicable

Computed Hostname, NAME of the system that has a HOST_NAME or ALIAS_NAME matching the 'Hostname' or 'Address', else when available the 'Hostname', else when available the 'Address', else '-'

HostnameHostname collected by the connector.Not applicableHostname part of the BYHOST sub-resource metric
AddressWorldwide Name or iSCI Qualified Name.Not applicable Address part of the BYHOST sub-resource metric
Storage SystemName of the storage system.Not applicable SA_CONTAINS_VOLUME
Vendor Name of the storage system vendor.Not applicable ST_SYSTEM_VENDOR
RAID Level RAID level of the volume (if available).Not applicable  

ST_VOLUME_RAID_LEVEL when available or ST_POOL_RAID_LEVEL when available otherwise '-'

Storage PoolName of the associated storage pool. Not applicable  SP_CONTAINS_VOLUME
Pool Type

Type of the storage pool associated to the volume. 

Not applicable  ST_POOL_TYPE
Pool Service Level 

Level of service required. This information is not collected by the storage connectors but specified by the Administrator from the Workspace or a dedicated ETL.

Volume Tiering PolicyTiering policy applied to the volume. Not applicable  ST_TIERING_POLICY
Storage Volume Name of the volume. Not applicable  NAME
Consumed Capacity [GB] Capacity actually consumed in Gigabytes. Average on the latest day BYHOST_SIZE
Host Visible Capacity [GB]Amount of capacity exposed to the host (i.e. subscribed capacity) in Gigabytes. Not applicable BYHOST_ALLOCATED

To find a specific host

Use the sorting and filtering options on the page to find a specific host.  For more information, see Using Filtering Options in Helix Capacity Optimization Dashboard.

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