This documentation supports releases of BMC Helix Continuous Optimization up to December 31, 2021. To view the latest version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Maps page in the vCloud view

The Maps page in the vCloud view provides a graphical representation of vCloud capacity. 

To access this page, in the left navigation pane of Views tab, select Views > Cloud > vCloud and click the Maps tab.

The page shows following metrics for the cloud. All values are calculated over the last full month, and the current month. 

  • CPU Utilization
  • Memory Utilization
  • Datastore Utilization
Related topics

The parent entity in the vCloud Maps page is the vCloud. After drilling down, you can view the provider vDC and Organization vDC represented as child entities. 

This representation is implemented by using a data visualization tool called Tree Maps.

Overview of the tree map

The Tree Map view displays system entities in a hierarchical order by using a series of clustered rectangles, which together represent a whole system.

You can easily and quickly view the details of an entity and drill down to view the child entity.

For example, in the vCloud Maps page, click the entity (specific cell in the map). 

Details window opens that lists the NameTypeUtilization (%) and Size of the entity, along with Related Information links.

In the Details window, click Drill Down.

The child entity is displayed. The bread crumbs on top of the map indicate the entity you are currently viewing.

To view entities with free resources

By default, the tree map does not show the free resources of entities. To view the free resources that are available, you must change the map layout.

In the Tree map view, click  next to Map Layout and click Map Layout with Free Resource.

The tree map shows the free resources, as denoted in white:

To view details of an entity

Drill down further into each entity for more details. To view the details, click the entity.

The Details popup window lists the NameTypeUtilization (%) and Size of the entity, along with Related Information links.

Similarly, view the details of each child entity within a parent entity.

To view only one entity on the screen

  1. To focus only on one entity at a time and not display the others, double-click that entity.
  2. Click the parent cell. In the Details popup window that opens, under Related Information, click the Drill Down link.

Only the selected entity is displayed on the screen.

To navigate back to the parent entity

In the child entity page, the navigation path from the source Treemap view is listed at the the top-left of the treemap. Click the parent entity name in the listed path to go to that entity.

To view all entities within the same range

Click a color legend. For example, click 10%.

Only entities within the same range are displayed. In this case, all entities in the 0-10% range are displayed.

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