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This section describes how to start the web services features and to define specific web services and their component operations for monitoring. The configuration process varies somewhat depending on whether you are setting up a known web service based on its WSDL, whether you are using a common UDDI registry to identify web services, or a web service URL and request data (XML-RPC)

Monitored web services can be either SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 web services, or they may be XML-RPC style services. You can query a UDDI 1.0 or 2.0 server to configure specific web services for monitoring. 

To start the web services configuration tool

  1. Access the Web Services menu command.
  2. Select KM Commands > Configure Web Services. The wizard launches a browser and display a window showing options for adding and modifying services.


    If you are using PATROL Central Operator - Windows edition as your PATROL Console, the Configure Web Services command is not available. To configure Web services, start your web browser and enter the URL: http://managed_host:616*, where managed_host is the name of the host computer on which your PATROL Agent is running. The configuration page will be available only if you have loaded the file ISM_WEB_SERVICES.kml, as described in Loading BMC PATROL for Web Services Monitoring.

  3. Click one of the three links for adding services:
    • Enter WSDL URL: Select this option if you want to monitor a SOAP/HTTP web service defined in a WSDL. Continue configuration following the steps described in WSDL.
    • Query UDDI Server: Select this option if you will select a service from those available on a common UDDI server for which you know the URI. Continue configuration following the steps described in UDDI registry.
    • Specify Web Service and Request Data: Select this option if you want to monitor an XML-RPC Web service. Continue configuration following the steps described in XML-RPC.


WSDL is a standard way of describing a web service using XML.

  1. Type a WSDL URL into the text box,
  2. Enter WSDL username and password, and then click Continue.
    A list of services and operations available through the entered WSDL will be displayed.


    The specified username and password are authenticated using basic authentication only.

  3. Click the button next to one or more operations that you want to monitor, then click Continue.
    A window is displayed on which you enter arguments for the operation. The arguments are the data needed by the operation to do its work and to generate meaningful results. For example, a stock ticker web service operation may require a stock exchange symbol that it uses to look up current stock prices for a company.
  4. For each defined argument, enter data of the appropriate type. If an argument can only accept arguments within a limited, well-defined range, then you are shown a list of acceptable arguments from which to choose.
  5. Click Test.
    A request to the web service provider is generated and sent, and the returned results displayed for you to verify. Status lines at the top of the window show whether any faults occurred. Look at the results area and verify that the data returned from the remote server is appropriate and does not reflect incorrect or poorly formed input data. If the results are incorrect, go back to the previous window and refine the argument data that you entered.
  6. Click Save.
    The web service is configured for monitoring and will be discovered on the next discovery cycle.
    If you selected more than one operation to be configured, the screen is re-displayed and you can enter data for the next operation ( step 4 ). Otherwise, click Back to Service List to configure more Web services for this WSDL, or click Configuration Home to modify or add other Web services.

UDDI registry

UDDI servers may be used as a common registry of web services that are used enterprise-wide, or that are offered for use by conceivably any other web site.

  1. Enter the URL of the UDDI server.
    A list of services available through the UDDI will be displayed. If the list is too long, you can filter it to show only those matching a specified string pattern.
  2. Select a web service to configure from the list, then click Continue.
    A list of operations that the service can perform will be displayed.
  3. Click the button next to one or more operations that you want to monitor, then click Continue.
    A screen is displayed on which you enter arguments for the operation. The arguments are the data needed by the operation to do its work and to generate meaningful results. For example, a stock ticker Web service operation may require a stock exchange symbol that it uses to look up current stock prices for a company.
  4. For each defined argument, enter data of the appropriate type. If an argument can only accept arguments within a limited, well-defined range, then you will be shown a list of acceptable arguments from which to choose.
  5. Click Test.
    A request to the web service provider is generated and sent, and the returned results displayed for you to verify. Status lines at the top of the screen show whether any faults occurred. Look at the results area and verify that the data returned from the remote server is appropriate and does not reflect incorrect or poorly formed input data. If the results are incorrect, go back to the previous screen and refine the argument data that you entered.
  6. Click Save.
    The web service operation is configured for monitoring and will be discovered on the next discovery cycle.
    If you selected more than one operation to be configured, the screen is re-displayed and you can enter data for the next operation ( step 4 ). Otherwise, click Back to Service List to configure more Web services from the UDDI server, or click Configuration Home to modify or add other Web services.


XML-RPC web services are not defined using WSDL, so all configuration details must be entered directly.

  1. Enter information about the service and its operation.
    • Web service name: type a name to be used as a Web service instance label in PATROL
    • URL for accessing Web service: type the URL that is the access point for the XML-RPC Web service
    • User Name: type the XML-RPC user name
    • Password: type the XML-RPC password
    • Operation name: type a name to be used as the XML-RPC operation label in PATROL
    • Request data: type the XML data to be used as input for the operation


      The specified username and password are authenticated using basic authentication only.

  2. Click Test.
    A request to the web service provider is generated and sent, and the returned results displayed for you to verify. Status lines at the top of the screen show whether any faults occurred. Look at the results area and verify that the data returned from the remote server is appropriate and does not reflect incorrect or poorly formed input data. If the results are incorrect, go back to the previous screen and refine the argument data that you entered.
  3. Click Save.
    The service is configured for monitoring. Click Configuration Home to modify or add other web services.
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