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The instructions in this help system are written for the use of a two-button, right-hand mouse. If you use a left-hand mouse, have reconfigured your right-hand mouse, or have a three-button mouse, you will need to make the appropriate mental substitutions for your configuration.
The graphic below illustrates the standard, three-button, right-hand mouse configuration and a common configuration for a three-button, left-hand mouse. Many UNIX workstations and servers are packaged with a three-button mouse.

Mapping Buttons and Actions

On a standard, right-hand, two-button mouse,

  • Push buttons are activated by clicking the left mouse button, which corresponds to MB1 in the figure.
  • InfoBoxes are displayed by clicking the right and left mouse buttons simultaneously, which corresponds to MB2 in the figure.
  • Menus are activated by clicking the right mouse button, which corresponds to MB3 in the figure.


To conserve memory, PATROL creates menus dynamically (so there is a delay). Click and hold down MB3 until the pop-up Command menu appears.



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