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Perform the following steps to silently uninstall the TrueSight Presentation Server. The silent uninstallation does not require user interaction.


All the data stored for the Presentation Server you are uninstalling is deleted. To retain this data, you must backup the database before continuing with the uninstallation process.

  1. Log on to the system where you want to uninstall the Presentation Server.
  2. In a command line, navigate to the UninstallBMCTrueSightPServer directory under the installation directory, for example:
    • Windows
      CD /D "%TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME%\UninstallBMCTrueSightPServer"
      for example:
      CD /D "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\TrueSightPServer\UninstallBMCTrueSightPServer"

    • Linux
      cd $TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME/UninstallBMCTrueSightPServer
      for example:
      cd /opt/bmc/TrueSightPServer/UninstallBMCTrueSightPServer
  3. Run the following command:
    • Windows

      uninstall.exe -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<Full File Path>\server-silent-options-windows-uninstall.txt
    • Linux

      ./uninstall.bin -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=<Full File Path>\server-silent-options-linux-uninstall.txt

4. It is recommended to restart the server after the uninstallation process is completed.


There are default users and user groups created in your BMC Atrium Single Sign-On (SSO) server when you install the Presentation Server. Even after you uninstall the Presentation Server, these default user groups and users are retained in the BMC Atrium SSO server.

Related topics

Performing the Presentation Server uninstallation

Installing the Presentation Server