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The BMC Transaction Execution Adapter Agent (TEA Agent) installation files include a command-line utility for migrating your scripts and configurations from your existing BMC Transaction Management Application Response Time (BMC TM ART) installation to App Visibility. The migration is divided into two stages: export from BMC TM ART and import to App Visibility. 


  • To perform the migration, you must have write access to your TEA Agent installation file folders, and you must have administrator permissions in BMC TM ART.
  • Migration is supported only from BMC TM ART version 3.9 SP3 or later.

The following topics are included:

To export a self-signed certificate for secure BMC TM ART        

If your installation of BMC TM ART is secured using a self-signed certificate, perform the following procedure before starting your export.

  1. Open the BMC TM ART client in a browser.
  2. From the web browser, export the certificate for BMC TM ART and save it.
  3. Open a command prompt and change the directory to the ...\Disk1\files\jre\bin folder.
  4. Run the following command:

    keytool -import -alias "<alias name>" -file "<.cer file path>" -keystore "<cacerts path>"
    • <.cer file path> is the full path of the .cer file that you saved.
    • <cacerts path> is the full path to the cacerts file: ...\Disk1\files\jre\lib\security\cacerts


To export from BMC TM ART

  1. Run the migration_tool batch file from the ...\Disk1\utility\ConfigurationMigrationTool folder of your TEA Agent installation files.
  2. Enter 1 to select export.
  3. Enter the required parameters for your BMC TM ART connection, or press Enter to accept the default values.



    Enter TM ART host name / IP:

    Enter the host name or IP address of the computer where BMC TM ART is installed.

    Enter TM ART port number (default 19120):

    Enter the port number that your BMC TM ART uses, or press Enter to accept the default value.

    Default: 19120

    Enter TM ART user name:

    Enter the user name that you use to connect to BMC TM ART.

    Enter TM ART password:

    Enter the password for your BMC TM ART user name.

    Does TM ART use a secure connection? (Yes/No):

    Enter Yes if your BMC TM ART installation uses a secure connection. Enter No if it does not.

  4. Enter the required parameters for your BMC TM ART database, or press Enter to accept the default values.



    Choose database type (1 - Oracle, 2 - MS SQL):

    Enter 1 or 2 to choose the database type that you use for BMC TM ART.

    Enter database host name / IP:

    Enter the host name or IP address of the computer used for your BMC TM ART database.

    Enter database port number:

    Enter the port number that BMC TM ART uses to connect to the database, or press Enter to accept the default value.


    • Oracle: 1521
    • MS SQL: 1433
    Enter database SID name: Enter database name:(Oracle) Enter your SID.
    (MS SQL) Enter your database name.

    Enter database user name:

    Enter the user name that BMC TM ART uses to connect to the database.

    Enter database password:

    Enter the password for your BMC TM ART database user.

    The files necessary for migration are created in the ConfigurationMigrationTool\Migration_output folder.


    • BMC TM ART monitor intervals that are defined as less than two minutes are rounded up to two minutes.
    • Of the Essential scripts in BMC TM ART, only the Pinger group of scripts and the URL Checker script are supported in BMC TrueSight. Monitors that use other Essential scripts are not migrated.
    • All of the Monitor settings that are necessary to set up corresponding Execution Plans in TrueSight are migrated.

    Not migrated

     The following are not migrated:

    • Locations that have no assigned Monitors or Projects
    • Projects that have no assigned Monitors
    • Monitors that are not scheduled to run on any Locations

    Character replacement

    The migration utility makes the following character substitutions automatically:

    • In Project Descriptions, all commas (,) and carriage return (CR) characters are replaced with semicolons (;).
    • In Locations, Monitor names, and Script names, all non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with underscores(_) as follows:
      • Groups of consecutive non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with a single underscore.
      • If as a result of this character substitution, scripts would have the same name, the TM ART database IDs of the scripts are appended to the script names.
  5. If necessary, you can modify the names of your applications in the Application column of the migration_data.csv file. 


    • Modify application names with care because incorrect changes might create errors that will cause the migration to fail.
    • Do not modify any of the other data in the migration_data.csv file.
    • Application names in the file are encoded. If it is necessary to edit the application names, use an encoding tool to encode the new application names.


    Do not edit any of the other files in the Migration_output folder. Any changes to these files is likely to corrupt them, and cause the migration process to fail.

To import configurations and scripts into App Visibility


The migration utility retrieves your App Visibility portal details from the Presentation Server. Before running this procedure, verify the following:

  • Your App Visibility portal is properly installed and connected to the Presentation Server.
  • Your App Visibility portal is properly configured to communicate with the Presentation Server.


  1. Run the migration_tool batch file from the ...\Disk1\utility\ConfigurationMigrationTool folder of your TEA Agent installation files.
  2. Enter 2 to select export.
  3. Enter the required parameters for your BMC TrueSight Presentation Server connection, or press Enter to accept the default values.



    Enter host name / IP:

    Enter the host name or IP address of the computer where Presentation Server is installed.

    Does TrueSight use a secure connection? (Yes/No, default Yes):

    Enter Yes if your Presentation Server uses a secure connection. Enter No if it does not.

    Enter port number:

    Enter the port number that your Presentation Server uses, or press Enter to accept the default value.


    • Secure: 443
    • Non-secure: 80

    Enter user name:

    Enter the user name that you use to connect to your Presentation Server.


    Enter user name without tenant name.

    Enter password:

    Enter the password for your Presentation Server user name.

    Enter tenant name:Enter the tenant name for your Presentation Server.

    All of the configurations and scripts are imported into App Visibility. The files that were created as part of the export process are deleted automatically.


  1. From where I can get the Migration Utility?

  2. See Downloading the installation files for instructions on how to download the BMC Transaction Execution Adapter Agent (TEA Agent) installation files.