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During installation of the App Visibility proxy, you provide the location of the KeyStore file that handles SSL-encrypted beacons and injected requests. The values that you provide during installation are saved in the file. If you did not have the KeyStore file during installation, or if you now need to provide a new one, you must use one of the following procedures to update the file:

Before you begin

  • You must have a KeyStore file in one of the following formats: PKCS12 (PFX) and JKS.
    The PKCS12 and JKS file are both binary encrypted, password-protected files. 
  • The KeyStore password must match the password of the private key. 
  • The KeyStore password cannot contain the following characters: | ^ ; " < > ,

To import a KeyStore file by interactively executing a script

  1. From a command line, type one of the following scripts, and press Enter:
    • (Windows) installationDirectory\apm-proxy\bin\import-keystore.bat
    • (Linux) installationDirectory/apm-proxy/bin/
  2. Provide values at the following prompts:
    1. Enter the KeyStore type (JKS or PCKS12)
    2. Enter the KeyStore full path: The full path to the KeyStore file must include the file name. 
    3. Enter the KeyStore password: The plain text password is masked as you type it and encrypted in the properties file.
  3. Restart the relevant App Visibility proxy services:
    • (Windows) BMC App Visibility Proxy
    • (Linux) adop_apm_proxy

To import a KeyStore file by silently executing a script

  1. Copy the encrypted password to use in the following step.
  2. From a command line, enter one of the following commands:
    • (Windows) installationDirectory\apm-proxy\bin\import-keystore.bat keyStoreType keyStoreFullPath keyStoreEncryptedPassword
    • (Linux) installationDirectory/apm-proxy/bin/ keyStoreType keyStoreFullPath keyStoreEncryptedPassword
    • keyStoreType is PKCS12 or JKS (Do not enter lower-case characters.)
    • keyStoreFullPath is the full path and file name of the KeyStore file
    • keyStoreEncryptedPassword is the encrypted password to the KeyStore file
  3. Restart one of the following App Visibility proxy services:
    • (Windows) BMC App Visibility Proxy
    • (Linux) adop_apm_proxy

Additional resource

Oracle: KeyStores and TrustStores Open link

Where to go from here

After you configure the App Visibility system, performing the following procedures:

Related topics

Performing the App Visibility server installation

Changing App Visibility proxy settings

Starting and stopping the App Visibility server services

Infrastructure Management security planning Open link


  1. The documentation only describes the steps for AppVisibility,regarding changes of the certificate(s). What is with other components like the TSIM servers?

  2. Hi Patrick,

    Documentation for TSIM, including installation and security information, is located in the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management 10.0 wiki space. You might want to start with the Security planning topic, or search for security or keystore.

    Hope this helps,


  3. Thanks Sara. I also added a link to the Infrastructure Management topic under Related topics.