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Infrastructure monitoring provides you, the IT Operations operator, with a visual representation of the monitored resources in your environment, and the ability to identify and diagnose issues.

The color-coded and severity-ranked Devices page enables you to determine which devices require attention. You can drill-down to any device from the Devices page and view details on the Device details page.

The Events page displays sufficient information for you to recognize an event's current state quickly. From the Events page, you see all the information — event status, severity, and summary. You can filter the events to display the relevant ones and take necessary action on them. You can drill-down to any event to troubleshoot and perform probable cause analysis.

To make information easier to find and manage, you can create groups that correspond to real-world relationships (such as by city, a specific department, or the type of resource, etc.). You can monitor groups through the Groups page.

While any user can view device data and drill down to diagnose the root cause of a problem, no data is available until BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management is installed and running. 

Identify problematic devices

From the Devices page (Monitoring > Devices) in the Operations Management console, you can see a high-level, real-time view of all your devices. You can view devices by severity (critical, major, minor, warning, information) or view them by the status (open, acknowledged, assigned, blackout, closed).

If you have configured groups, you can go to the Groups page (Monitoring > Groups) and view the same information as the Devices page.

Identify critical events

From the Events page (Monitoring > Events) in the Operations Management console, you can see a high-level, real-time view of all events generated in your monitored infrastructure. You can view events by severity (critical, major, minor, warning, information, OK, unknown) or view them by the status (open, acknowledged, assigned, blackout, closed).

Diagnose an infrastructure problem

Select an event to drill-down into information that is related to that event:

Related topics

Getting started

Monitoring devices

Monitoring events

Monitoring groups

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for providing us the IT Operations operator, with a visual representation of the monitored resources in your environment .The color-coded and severity-ranked devices page enables us to determine which devices require attention. Your page displays sufficient information for me to recognize an event's current state quickly.
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