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Infrastructure configuration refers to the configuration of the major Infrastructure Management components such as heap settings, retention periods, and so on for the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server and Integration Service nodes. This type of configuration defines how components are architecturally connected and how the PATROL Agents operate at a very basic level. They do not define actual data collection or how a PATROL Knowledge Module monitors the managed environment. Examples include the following:

  • PATROL Agent to Integration Service connections
  • PATROL Agent tags
  • How PATROL Agents forward events
  • PATROL Agent history Retention


Plan these settings as a part of the architecture and scalability assessment before installing the solution. You must configure these settings immediately after installing the infrastructure components and before configuring any monitoring settings for deploying the agents. For details, see the  Planning considerations and worksheets for Infrastructure Management Open link  in the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management documentation.

Before you can configure the system, the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server and all infrastructure components including the Integration Services and event management cells must all be installed, including high availability configurations. For information on how to install these components, see  Installing BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Open link

The following topics and best practice describe how to configure the components. 

Where to go next

Setting up agents and policies for infrastructure monitoring