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To ensure the availability and integrity of your data, you must periodically back up the database files for the BMC TrueSight Presentation Server. BMC recommends that you use a storage replication solution to back up the database and configuration files at regular intervals. 

This topic contains the following information:

Backup frequency

The state of the recovery BMC TrueSight Presentation Server depends on how recently you backed up your files. According to your organization's IT policies, you can decide whether to have daily, weekly, or monthly backups.

Run all of the tssh commands in this topic from the following directory if it is not in your PATH:

  • Windows: %TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME%\truesightpserver\bin
  • Linux: $TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME/truesightpserver/bin

By default, the Presentation Server automatically performs a database backup every 24 hour. You can change this time interval by modifying the value of the dbBackupSchedulePeriod property. Whenever you change a backup property, changes will not take effect until you restart the Presentation Server.

tssh properties set dbBackupSchedulePeriod <hours interval>

The database backup files are stored in the following location:

  • Windows: %TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME%\truesightpserver\data\dbbackup\
  • Linux: $TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME/truesightpserver/data/dbbackup/

By default, the Presentation Server stores the last three backup files of the database. You can change the number of stored backups by changing the value of the numOfBackups property. 

tssh properties set numOfBackups <number of backups>



tssh properties set numOfBackups 7 

BMC recommends that you initiate a backup of the files after making any configuration changes to the server. You can manually initiate a database backup by running the following command:

tssh database startbackup

Files to back up

To ensure that the files are synchronized, BMC recommends that you back up all of the files at the same time.

Restoring the database backup

  1. Stop the Presentation Server by running the following command:

    tssh server stop 

  2. Initiate a backup of the following folder, and then delete the data from the folder:
    • Windows: %TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME%\truesightpserver\data\pgsql 
    • Linux: $TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME/truesightpserver/data/pgsql
  3. Copy the base.tar.gz file from the database backup folder to the following folder, and extract the contents of the base.tar.gz file. 
    • Windows: %TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME%\truesightpserver\data\pgsql 
    • Linux: $TRUESIGHTPSERVER_HOME/truesightpserver/data/pgsql
  4. Restart the Presentation Server by running the following command:

    tssh server start

    When you restore the database, some VM instances or devices are marked for deletion. For more information, see Knowledge Article KA426529 (Support logon ID required).

Related topics

Configuring and managing the App Visibility database and components

Configuring the disaster recovery system

Configuring and managing the Presentation Server


