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You can enable client authentication by setting the pronet.jserver.ssl.authenclient=true property. When client authentication is enabled, JServer prompts each client requesting a connection to present a certificate of authentication. 

If Java Administration is launched from Microsoft Windows, you must change pronet.conf on Microsoft Windows as well.

If the Administration Console is launched on a different computer than the computer where jserver is running, then you have to change etc/pronet.conf on both computers, so they refer to the same certificate.

JServer properties

The following properties control the JServer secure settings:
## ssl properties for jserver, valid only when is true
## besides JKS, we also support pkcs12 format keystore for SunX509
## jserver certificate keystore file name in /usr/pronto/conf/
## if you change the jserver keystore password, be sure to update the passwdfile
## as default, jserver does not ask certificate from java admin
## if changed to true, be sure to set relevant props in pronet.admin section below
## set ssl debug, could be all, ssl, handshake
## enabled cipher suite, default is all the suites in jsse

Java admin properties 

The following properties control the Java Admin secure settings:

## we do not do admin authentication, but if jserver.ssl.authenclient 
## is set to true, then following admin ssl properties need to be set correctly
## the following two settings are default
## after obtaining a certificate for Java Admin, save it to this keystore in conf folder
## password is specified by pronet.admin.keystore.passwd in [.ks_pass]
## set ssl debug, could be all, ssl, handshake