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This topic provides information about installing and starting the Infrastructure Management administrator console on Microsoft Windows.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have administrator privileges on the target computer.
  • Ensure that .NET framework 2.0.050727 or later is installed on the target computer.

To install the administrator console

  1. Access one of the following locations, and download the administrator console installation files:

  2. Save the file on the computer where you want to install the administrator console and extract its contents. Open the install.cmd file with the Run as administrator option
  3. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  4. On the License Agreement page, select I agree to the terms of the license agreement, and click Next.

  5. On the Directory Selection page, retain the default directory, or select a directory of your choice, and click Next.

  6. On the Installation Preview page, click Install.

To start the Infrastructure Management Administrator Console

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs > Infrastructure Management > Infrastructure Management Admin x.x, where x.x indicates the version number.
  2. On the Logon window, provide the following details:

    • Server Name/IP Address of the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server to which you want to connect.
    • Username — Name of the user account to access Infrastructure Management. The default user name is admin.
    • Password — Password for the user account. The default password is admin.


    • Connection — Connection type for the administrator console to connect with BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server. The Direct connection uses port 1099 and 12128.

      A firewall might exist between the computer and the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server in the data center. Sometimes, the firewall allows only port 80 and does not allow port 1099 and 12128.

  3. Click OK.

    On successful validation, the administrator console is displayed.


    If you attempt to view online Help from the administrator console and use Internet Explorer as your browser, you are first prompted to update Trusted site registration to allow Internet Explorer to open the Help page as a Trusted site zone. After you update the registration, you must subsequently refresh the page to view the online Help pages from the registered Trusted site zone.

To update non-default Impact Admin Server and RMI port number

If you have specified a non-default Impact Admin Server and RMI port during or after the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server installation, the Administrator Console does not connect remotely.

To use the Administrator Console remotely, update the non-default Impact Admin Server and RMI port information in the following files:

  1. <Remote Admin Installation Directory>\Infrastructure Management Admin\admin\etc\

    # The JServer port on which IX will be communicating for authentication and authorization
    # purpose. IX also uses this port for fetching certain configuration related data
    jserver_comm_port=<Port number on which BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server Impact Admin Server is running>
  2. <Remote Admin Installation Directory>\Infrastructure Management Admin\admin\pronto\conf\pronet.conf

     # Port Number used by RmiRegistry
    pronet.rmi.port=<Port number on which BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server RMIRegistry is running>