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For applications with synthetic transaction monitoring enabled, you can identify and diagnose application issues by investigating the status of the synthetic transaction executions. The Synthetic Health tab displays the overall health of the application over a 24-hour period, based on your synthetic metric rules arranged by the application's locations and its transactions.

For more details about synthetic metric rules, see Synthetic metrics, rules, and events.

This topic contains the following information:

Before you begin

Before you can examine the health of your synthetic transaction executions, ensure that:

  • Synthetic metric rules are enabled, and thresholds are adjusted properly.
  • You have Application Operator Open link -level access, or higher.

To investigate application issues from synthetic health events

  1. From the navigation pane in the TrueSight console, select Monitoring > Applications .
  2. Select an application that you want to examine in detail.
    • If synthetic monitoring is enabled for a manually created application, the Synthetic Health tab opens by default. 
    • Otherwise, the Application View tab opens by default. Click the Synthetic Health tab.

    The Synthetic Health tab displays the status of your application's synthetic transactions over 24 hours. You can see the overall health, and the health of each location and transaction. The Open Events section on the right side displays the number of events that are currently open for the Overall Health and for each location and transaction, based on the selected metric filters.

    Example of the Synthetic Health tab

  3. Select or deselect the filters at the top of the page to display data for the selected metrics. Each metric filter includes a number that indicates the current number of open events of that type.
    Data is displayed for only those metrics that are selected. Performance displays data for timers as well as the defined Performance metric.

  4. Examine the tiles to determine the status.
    Each tile represents one hour.

    • Tile colors - The color of a tile represents the highest severity of an event, for the selected metris, during that hour. When you view the last 24 hours, the right-most tile represents a fraction of the latest hour, and is automatically updated every minute until the hour rounds off. 

      The following table describes the severity of the hour tiles.

      Event severity of hour tiles

      Critical (red)One or more executed transactions triggered a Critical event. Minor events may have occurred during the hour as well.
      Minor (orange)One or more executed transactions triggered a Minor event. No critical events occurred.
      OK (green)One or more transactions were executed. No events were triggered.
      No data (gray)No data was collected, or no transactions were executed during the hour.


       Colors indicate the worst status of an event triggered during the hour even if the event was closed during the hour.

    • Underscored tiles - A tile is underscored if an event was opened in a previous hour, and it is still open at the beginning of the following hour. For example:

      •  - A minor event was opened in the previous hour. The event is still open, but no transactions were run in the following hour.

      •  A critical event was opened in the previous hour. The event is still open at the beginning of the following hour. The transaction did not run in the following hour, and only minor events occurred in the following hour.

Use location and transaction information to help identify the source of issues in your application.

The health of your application is split into three sections:

  • Overall Health - Status of the most severe event from any transaction in any location. For example, if at least one location has a minor event, and the status of all the other locations is OK over that hour, the Overall Health shows the hour as having a minor event.
  • Locations -  Status of the most severe event from any of the synthetic transaction executions in that location. 
    You can expand and collapse this section.
  • Transactions - Status of the most severe event from the executions of the transaction in any location. Each transaction name includes the name of its Execution Plan. 
    If you are viewing previous data from an Execution Plan that has been removed, the word (Deleted) is displayed at the beginning of the name.
    You can expand and collapse this section.


    If there is an Execution error, the name of the transaction appears as N/A. The Execution Plan name appears as expected.

Where to go from here

Click a tile to analyze the synthetic health details of your application for that hour.

Click in a row, but not on a specific tile, to analyze the synthetic health details of your application for the entire 24 hours.

If necessary, adjust synthetic metric rules to better reflect the critical data you need for your environment.