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If there is a problem while validating the request or initiating the export, the system returns a 4xx or 5xx status code with a descriptive message in the response body. The following table defines the possible HTTP status codes that might be returned in response to an export request made under abnormal conditions:

Export API error conditions

Status code



Missing parameters – the URL did not contain all of the required parameters. The body of the response will list the parameters that were missing, as follows:
Required parameters: <param>, <param> ...
Unknown parameters – the URL contained unknown parameters. The body of the response will list the unknown parameters, as follows:
Invalid parameters: <param>, <param> ...
Invalid parameter values – the URL contained parameters with badly formatted or missing values. The body of the response will list the affected parameters and the expected format (for example, "" or "Boolean (true / false)"), as follows:
Badly formatted parameters: <param> requires a value in <format> format, ...
Mis-aligned time range – the time range requested by the start time and end time was not aligned a 5-minute boundary (, 13:00 - 13:05 or 07:15 - 07:20). The body of the response will contain the following message:
Time ranges must be aligned on 5-minute boundaries.
Inverted time range – the URL contains a start time that is greater than the specified end time. The body of the response will contain the following message:
Start Time must be earlier than End Time.


Invalid credentials – the URL did not contain a valid username or password. The body of the response will contain the following message:
Invalid username / password.
Unauthorized access – the specified user account is not allowed to export data - that is, it does not have the proper role assigned to it. The body of the response will contain the following message:
Unauthorized access.
Account is disabled – the specified user account has been disabled and is not allowed to log on to the system. The body of the response will contain the following message:
Account disabled.


Internal error – the data could not be read from the staging area due to an internal problem. The body of the response will contain the following message:
Internal Server Error.


Feature is disabled – the entire feature has been disabled by an administrator. The body of the response will contain the following message:
Feature disabled.
Too many active exports – the user-defined limit for concurrent exports has already been reached. An active export must be allowed to terminate (or be canceled) before another
request might be processed. The body of the response will contain the following message:
Connection limit reached.


Although more than one error condition can occur for the same request, due to the restrictions of HTTP only one status code can be returned.

Therefore, the status codes are evaluated in the following order of importance: 503, 4xx, 500. The most important error condition is reported in the response.

All 4xx conditions are considered equally important, so the first one encountered takes precedence over the others.